if he cant be kept with the females, why was i told i could keep a male with females if its not true?? (I have been told by a shop too - 1 male to 2 female). I started a thread on here asking about seperating a tank and was told 1 male and females could be kept together, and was not informed of any issues
Haych; The majority of LFS's will say anything to get you buying, unfortunately. While you may be able to keep wild bettas in male / female groups, betta splendens, the most common variety, known as siamese fighting fish can not. Boys can be kept on their own. never with other boys, never with another girl unless mating. Girls can be kept on their own or with 5 or more other girls. There are very few suitable tankmates for bettas, some recomended are oto's, small corys, and snails.