Fish Fanatic
Thats a male you got there. Females very rarely have fins that long.
i'd say a boy.
but you shouldnt have a prob as long as its only one boy
i agree with advice totally
it was just emma was saying it needs to go back to the shop when it didnt come from one
regards scot
I was told by one sals person never to buy fish from places that take returns as the person may be returning a fish who came from a contaminated tank! So far I haven't found a place that doesn't take returns. Scary!i agree with advice totally
it was just emma was saying it needs to go back to the shop when it didnt come from one
regards scot
in my experience most shops will take a fish in, or exchange for goods whether it came from there or not, they do round here anyway
I've yet to see a 'striped' betta, those are stress/fear stripes. My iridescent female gets them if I move her favorite rock across the tank; they can get them for serious reasons just as they can get them for silly ones, and they just show up and go away based on the fishes mood-not through conditioning, etc.
As far as sexing your other mystery gender fish (the ones with the long fins), look for the ovipositor (egg tube, looks like a white dot or nub) behind their ventrals. All female bettas have them, but some females have MORE then others. I have seen young males have them-which can cause a lot of confusion-but they lose them as they grow.
Good luck with your new girls! (Or boy! xD)