Got My New 55 Gallon Tank!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2007
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Hey everyone............Tuesday, my mom and I went and picked up my new 55 gallon tank. I got it set up Wednesday and moved my fish from my 29 gallon into my 55. I have new gravel and filters, but I used my old decorations plus a few new ones. I am using a Pengiun Bio Wheel 350 filter, and an AquaTech 30/60 gallon filter as well. It is the same filter as the Penguin, it just doesn't have a Bio-Wheel. All of my fish are doing great and seem to enjoy the much larger space. My current stocking in the 55 is:

2 Platys
3 Swordtails
2 Adult Dalmation 13 one month old fry
1 Male Guppy
6 Pepper Corys
3 Schwartzi Corys
2 Julii or Leopard Corys
1 Green Cory

I will be adding 4 Angelfish in a couple of weeks once the tank gets more cycled. My LFS also has some BEAUTIFUL black and purple guppies. I was wondering if I could add any more guppies with the current stock list? They're not very big fish and I don't think it would be too much of a problem seeing the filtering I'm using. The Angelfish I'm going to be getting are quarter-half dollar sized. I don't think angels this small would be able to eat my baby mollys yet, but I'm going to wait a few weeks just to be safe. I have a large "fry mat" that they can get in and hide. I will be giving some of the fry away, so that will cut down on the number of Mollys I have.

I also want to add either 4 Angelicus Loaches, or some more Corys. Which would you get?
congrats on your new tank i recently got a 55 gallon my self i i love it so i know how u feel.
P.S. congrats on baby fry aswell. i cant get them to ever live very long. what do u do to keep them alive?
I just came home one day and noticed there were tons of molly fry. I didn't do anything with them really. The parents ate a bunch of them, but I was surprised at how many lived. They just kept living and I haven't done any special care. They are now swimming with the adults and eating just like the adults.
what i have done is ahve lots of hiding places for them. java moss is really good and floating plants too
they're much too big for the adults to eat them now. they swim at the top, middle, and bottom with no problems. I was gonna wait to make sure these baby angels wouldn't eat them.

Also, would you get 4 Angelicus Loaches or more corys?
I really wanted some kind of loach just because of their awesome colors and personalities, but I wasn't sure if I should

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