Alex Brown
Fish Crazy
that is a nasty amount of bristle worms! 
Thats some serious growth from what I've readWhat and how often are you feeding them? This one is a krill hoover!
I hardly eer feed them now tbh with you and that is only coz they have grown quite big and i am struggling for room now on my sandbed and so dont want them growing any faster, but I used to feed them a few pieces of food mainly krill, brinshrimp or mysis every other day to every other day whilst feeding my fish and they soon grew!
Coolcheers 1entra.
The 2 others you have, do you think they were already on the rock when you got it or do you think they're daughter colonies produced from the first?
spawny devil!
i paid £20 for mine last week and its tiny! (not 5mm tiny but pretty damn small all the same)