Got A New Camera, So Taken Some Photos Of My Fish


Fish Gatherer
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Still getting to grips with it, so bare with me for a first attempt!

First, has to be Boris:


This is him looking at me while watching TV :lol:


My elusive Green Sev:


Mister Orange was annoyed with the new camera and decided not to come out :lol:


My beautiful Nic:


Bolivian Ram:


Apistogramma Agassizi:


Rainbowfish; female left, males right. The males are getting their adult shape already:

I love your nic and agassizi :drool: Great shots of boris and that last rainbow picture too :good:
Thanks everyone.

The Apisto is a fiesty little fellow. I'd like to get him a couple of females when I eventually find some good strong stock.

They don't all live together; the Rainbows and dwarf cichlids are in one tank, and the bigger cichlids in another. Unfortunately Boris would have no qualms swallowing the Apisto and Rainbows, and would probably have a good go at the Rams too. He has a HUUUUUGE gob :lol:
Lovely pics Chilli. It's nice to have a photographic update of everyone's fish now and again !!

I'm amazed by how similar your Boris's shape and colour is to Biff, my chocolate cihclid's. Take away Boris's orange and he would be a dead ringer ! I suspect he's a bit bigger than Biff at the moment too. Biff is only 3" .
what camera is that the pictures are immense
Lovely pics, Boris is very much like my Rusty, but bigger :lol:
Lovely pics Chilli. It's nice to have a photographic update of everyone's fish now and again !!

I'm amazed by how similar your Boris's shape and colour is to Biff, my chocolate cihclid's. Take away Boris's orange and he would be a dead ringer ! I suspect he's a bit bigger than Biff at the moment too. Biff is only 3" .

Thanks, yes he is twice the size of Biff, not including tail :lol: He is huge already, hard to imagine he'll double that size again at least! Plus the girth on him :lol:

Have you got any recent photos of your lot to post?
great pictures chilli. especially the 1st 1 , hes got that "what you lookin at" expression on his face :lol:
Fantastic pictures ChilliPepper, but you've dodged the question three times already. We want to know what camera your using?

I clearly see now what someone told me about the male rainbows and the "pinched head" that you see to determine sex, looking at my 3 Boesemani's i clearly have 3 females. What luck. I'm offski to find a male i guess :p
Not dodging, just quickly replying :lol: It's a Nikon dSLR :good:

I don't know about sexing the other kinds of Rainbows, but Praecox are easy - males have red fins and females yellowy-orange.

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