Goop on driftwood


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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The piece of driftwood in my 80 gallon has suddenly produced a weird transparent goopy substance overnight :blink:
It's completely covered, and I have no idea what the stuff is, but it comes off with even the slightest touch... any ideas? Bacteria or fungus of some sort, maybe? What on earth should I do about it? It looks like the whole piece of wood has been coated in some kind of gelatinous ooze :crazy:
I've heard of this happening before to some people. I'm not sure what exatly it is though but it seems like it's some kind of a fungus.
Grey Legion said:
Try to vacuum it off...or remove the wood

How long has it been in your tank ??
It has only been there a couple of days, but I soaked it for nearly a week before adding it...
Some goop was on it yesterday as well and I just scraped it off with my hands and vaccuumed out the pieces, but today the wood has grown a brand new crop :p
Ok, I tried everything I could to rid the wood of goop... if it isn't completely covered in a new slime coat tomorrow, I'll feel as though I've won the war. I viciously scrubbed it down with a brillo pad, let it soak in water straight out of our 190 degree scalding hot water tap, then microwaved it for two minutes. If whatever is on it can be killed by heat, then by golly it's dead. The wood is still sitting steaming in the microwave because it's too hot to touch :D
Fiddlesticks said:
If that doesnt work I would recommend tossing the wood. :D

I hope I don't have to do that, it's really pretty.... supposedly made for use in tanks, too.
Synirr said:
Ok, I tried everything I could to rid the wood of goop... if it isn't completely covered in a new slime coat tomorrow, I'll feel as though I've won the war. I viciously scrubbed it down with a brillo pad, let it soak in water straight out of our 190 degree scalding hot water tap, then microwaved it for two minutes. If whatever is on it can be killed by heat, then by golly it's dead. The wood is still sitting steaming in the microwave because it's too hot to touch :D
If the goop returns, I'd contact NASA. :p

What kind of wood is it? :dunno:
cometcattle said:
If the goop returns, I'd contact NASA. :p

What kind of wood is it? :dunno:
Yes, if it comes back, I think the government ought to be informed about it :lol:

I have no clue what kind it is, but here's a pic:
looks like typical "bogwood" to me, I have 2 pieces in my tank and have never seen any "goop" coming from the wood...very odd...

one last thing try making a boiling tub of salt water and soak it over night again...I know it is a pain in the @ss but better to cure it out of the tank then trying to fight it while it is in...

Good would be a shame to lose it
I'll second the suggestion to keep the wood in boiling water. That will kill the fungus. A strong salt solution will also help.
to be honest the tank itself looks cloudy...did you just add dechlorinator or do a big water change? do you have snails that could be leaving a residue? i know a lot of time if i add dechlor after a change some things will be covered in a white film for a couple days...
abstract said:
to be honest the tank itself looks cloudy...did you just add dechlorinator or do a big water change? do you have snails that could be leaving a residue? i know a lot of time if i add dechlor after a change some things will be covered in a white film for a couple days...
That pic was taken a day after the tank was set up... the cloudiness is from the sand. It's completely clear now ;)

Time to call NASA, the slime is back. I'll try boiling the wood tomorrow :X
Is it truly driftwood? Sounds more like it's just a piece of regular wood trying to decompose underwater. Do you have any plecs in the tank, and if so, do they pay much attention to the wood?

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