Good smaller size pleco?


Happy to be back!!
Oct 16, 2003
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Southern IL
I'm looking to get a pleco for my blues,but I don't want a common or anything that can get over a foot long. I'd like a nice moderate sized pleco. Anyone have a suggestion? :)
Take a look on the Cat e log on Planet Catfish, theres loads of nice little Plecs.

and many more.

Tell us if theres a fish you like and we can work from there.
clown plecs are nice little common and relatively inexpensive plecs. they get about 4 inches long, like to nibble on driftwood. very peaceful. and cute too :D
Ok,how about albino dwarf bristlenose plecos? I found a guy giving me a good deal,I wanna see if they'll be allright first.
One species of Gold Nugget Plecs stays 8 inches max.
I saw a chocolate pleco at Pets Mart,what is up with that? Anyone know about them?
A rubbernose should get to around 5", about the same size as a bristlenose. The chocolate plec Drac 39 was refering to should get to just under a foot.

HeatherSweetness said:
How about a rubbernose?
Yes a rubbernose would also be fine a small and tough little guy but he won't eat as muc algae and isn't overly colourful. :)
Queen Arabesque stay small, 4 inches max. Usually not even that
Well,I didn't get the bristlenoses,he sold them out from under me. :angry:

He let me have a rubbernose,but he wouldn't let me unless I took a common. So since I'm getting some more huge tanks,I took him. It'll just give me a sweet excuse to get the huge one I really want. :hey: Made me mad tho,I really wanted the bn's. He bred them and sold them ALL. Poo. :sly:

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