Good Site To Try To Id A Cory?

I don't see any evidence of parasites on Cory...I think the problem is that these Cories are large and their sides look like nice flat rocks to the Oto's, exactly like with Discus and plecos. I'll update if anything changes, but it does not seem like it will (nobody eats prepared food, otos are still pests)
The oto problem seems to be solved. They gain some interest in prepared food and lost interest in seems that these two are simply more inquisitive than average, I've seen them sucking and even riding on ramshorn snails....

The cory feeding problem remains. Nothing but bloodworms and they are not very good in finding bloodworms either. Starving them for a day did not help. This is a bit of a problem since I'm not sure they will get enough food in a large tank where everyone likes bloodworms and Panda's are very good in finding them quickly.... Of course, I can starve them for a few days....

I wonder if putting another cory with them, one that eats prepared food, may induce them?
(While I cannot find more Matei right now, I've seen huge wildcaught Panda's yesterday....very tempting to get a couple to add to the shoal...)
I'm stumped.

I saw a number of matei and I almost bought the whole tank but decided on 9 atropersonatus instead. Luckily these guys eat blood worm, pellets, flakes and algae wafers. Go figure.

Not sure what to tell you. If they are having trouble finding the blood worms that I am out of ideas. What about billboard advertising?

Question: are they live or frozen bloodworm? If frozen then maybe they will only take to live food.

Good luck!

They eat them all right.... it is just that comparing with Panda's here they are not good in finding them.
Panda's zero on bloodworms very quickly, including those that hang on the plants. Metae's only take those on the ground, and they search the entire ground.

I need to find some more to see if the problem is with mine, or it is how these chaps are.
Anyway, I moved these four out of the qtank into the permanent tank (which has some Panda's and Oto's).

an interesting effect.

Adding C.Metae made my Panda's shoal for the first time in a couple in months (once the Pandas realized that they dominate the 55g and can push loaches around, shoaling was over...)....for about ten minutes.

The two C.Metae's were together every minute of their quarantine, once they saw the Panda's, they separated.

Now one Metae hangs with one group of Pandas, and the other with the rest...

Maybe they think they are one species?


I'll try to get more Metae anyway -- actually found ONE today -- but it does not look like it is needed.
Question: is there another Cory species that would fit nicely with these two? (somewhat similarly looking ideally).

So far I like the interaction between the two a lot, in both tanks (I also found one small Metae in another store on Sunday...under a stone in a cichlid it three more pandas to play with while in the seems much happier now).... don't think I want yet another cory species...but just in case....

Here is the welcome tour, Panda's were actually showing the newcomers the tank today.... :D
... and the skunks look particularly nice and fitting ... :D

thanks, Barracuda,

(no, I'm not getting any more cories .. yet).
Stopping is really easy. I stop all the time. Sometimes for a week, sometimes for two.:)
Hmmm... is this a Metae?
(now with all these similar species I'm confused.... This one was found in a different store on Monday, I got it three more Panda's to play with while in the qtank. The store thought it was a small Panda.)

Thanks, Barracuda,

What is the key to look for? Is this better:


(The cories are having an adverse reaction to newhatched brine shrimp in the tank...makes them think they are topfeeders...took them a couple of days to learn, but now they are)
Thanks, Barracuda,

What is the key to look for? Is this better:


(The cories are having an adverse reaction to newhatched brine shrimp in the tank...makes them think they are topfeeders...took them a couple of days to learn, but now they are)

My money is on metae for 2 of them and panda for the other 2. The pandas have a more rounded dorsal fin whereas the metae's is more pointy. Also, in the metae the black line from the dorsal fin runs down the back and divides on either side just before the caudal fin. The panda has no line just a black band before the caudal fin.

Of course, I could be wrong.
I believe they are trying to determine whether the ones with the angled black stripe are matae or davidsandsi. The pandas are not in question, are they?

For something different arcuatus fit in well. Duplicarus actually like a slightly cooler tank than panda. Although at the moment they are together, Iplan on changing that community.

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