Good Site To Try To Id A Cory?

Thank you!

Common perhaps, but I never saw these before, possibly the stores around here use different suppliers.
They are very nice indeed. Still under consideration...there is no rush, the store has a whole tank of them....but I'm really pushing the limits of the available space now and there some gobies and loaches I want too... If I put up another hillstream 29g, they will be good candidates for it (temp requirements are especially nice: <=25C !)
Not this time...maybe one day. I like them but I don't even have a qtank anymore, new fish today took the last one...

But I'm very impressed with C.Panda's.
I moved four of them to their new tank....and they might have solved the problem I was having there: most of the loaches were in permanent hiding in the driftwood (these are not normal kuhlis but considerably shier species). The sight of Panda's playing and eating outside got a few of them out, for the first time in a month... :D. Using Cories to dither Loaches is a strange way but it seems to work. Let's see if the effect holds tomorrow...
Hi mikev :)

If you convert the 25 degrees C., it comes out to about 77 degrees F., which is at the very top of the range for either peppered corys (C. paleatus) or C. panda.

Pandas are cute and often very active. Just about everyone likes them! I'm glad to see that they are getting along well with your loaches.
Thanks, Inchworm,

For my later reference: could you name another species, that remains small but likes slightly higher temps (78F-80F). Hopefully commonly available.

Thanks! Yep, I know and actually like these guys. Available most of the time. Something like them but smaller (1.5" with maxTL 2") would have been ideal (I'm doing some inch/gallon planning...)
Hi mikev :)

An inch and a half is pretty small. I don't think you will find anything that size that likes such warm temperatures. There are some nice smaller fish but 80 degrees would be too much.
Thanks, Inchworm.

I guess I see : smaller size --> smaller streams --> colder water. Ok, C.Sterbai's were on the "really like" list anyway. :good:
What kind of pictures are you looking for?
One more followup question....

I've seen C.Metae at a store and am pondering about adding a group of them to the Pandas. Anything wrong with this combination (I still have enough space, and if I do add another shoal, it will be perhaps 6)?

(Metae have nearly identical colors and appear to be only slightly the mix should look interesting...)
One more followup question....

I've seen C.Metae at a store and am pondering about adding a group of them to the Pandas. Anything wrong with this combination (I still have enough space, and if I do add another shoal, it will be perhaps 6)?

(Metae have nearly identical colors and appear to be only slightly the mix should look interesting...)

I dont see any problems with mixing them. A school of 6 C. metae along with C. panda will look great :good:

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