I got a couple of them (C.Matae), hopefully can get more later...the two at the store looked very nice and juicy and there was a promise to order more, so i took them.
Very strange fish. I don't understand how they survived at the store, they eat only frozen bloodworms, nothing else. OTOH, they are willing to eat a lot of frozen bloodworms. I have gobies and loaches like this but never expected this from cories..... C.Panda's prefer bloodworms too, but would take pretty much anything edible....
Even stranger. The store tank had a couple of oto's, so I took them along for a qtank ride (otos are always handy). Naturally, otos don't eat prepared food too, I got them into eating cucumber with some efforts, and now for the strange stuff: they try to suck on cories. No kidding....this happened a few times over the last two days: an oto (3/4") lands on a side of a cory (1 3/4"), tries to suck, cory shakes it off..... I have oto's with C.Panda's, never anything like this....