Good News!can I Get Some Pics?

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starting to get a little mad, the water is at like 57 degrees F, and the heater is not staying plugged in, it's just making me so mad.

riogal~I can't really get any more plants or anything, because of money. I spent every dime I had getting everything for the tank, now I'm having to beg my mom to let me get more bettas. It's so stressful :lol:
OK, just beware that it may not be enough. And if I were you I'd start saving money, b/c there is a chance that they will not all get along, and you may have to seperate one. Always good to have a little extra money around for emergencies.
How about starting with 4 girls and adding as you have money to get more decor? Or are you waiting for some Synirr babies to arrive?

I have some little red/brown plastic planters that little plants came in. I have trouble throwing things away!Haha :lol: :lol: :lol: I have used them for caves and some colorful ceramic planters in my gardening supplies. Delilah is quite fond of one of them.

The first thing I think I would have is a divider or net hospital in order to be able to isolate a girl if she's being picked on or is a bully herself. A home made one I understand is very inexpensive.

Also you can always use a 2 quart vase to put a problem child in.

Be creative!!
I would say that plastic plants would be ok, since the female bettas don't have the longer fins like the males. I have plastic plants with my females and they've never ripped their fins.
alright, thanks Meg. I'll be filling my tank up with more plants this weekend then.

Hey Synirr, DaSauce, wuvmybetta, and any other betta people out there. Does this sound like an alright tank to you guys and girls?

6 lbs. colorful gravel
2 big rainbow caves
5 plants (getting more)
Undergravel filter

What else should I add? If anything.
Since you're not getting your fish right away, I would suggest fishless cycling the tank before you get them. It's very simple and you won't have to put your fish through the harm and stress of cycling. Also, you need more hiding spots like the small flower pots or such. Having water testers for Ammonia, pH, nitrites and nitrates on hand are also a good idea, as well as fishy medicines like Maracyn, etc.

Here's a link to fishless cycling, your fish will thank you for it:
oooooooooh soroity tanks are fun!!!! i am starting one of my own (another) thanx for starting this topic!
I'm useing a tetra to cycle it.

Any more questions or concerns

you'll need more than 1 tetra to create the bioload to cycle the tank for a community tank. plus tetras need to school with other tetras, so don't leave the poor guy all by himself!!!

how deep is the gravel? you may need more like 10 # of gravel for a 10 gal.
Cycling with a single tetra won't do the job you need done. It will also take 4-6 weeks to cycle that way as compared to 8-10 days with a fishless cycle. When you're done your cycle, you won't be able to add 4-6 females or your tank will begin to cycle all over again when you do. Not to mention that the tetra you use will be at least harmed, if not killed during the cycling.
I am getting confused. I thought it was unnecessary to cycle a betta tank if frequent water changes are done.
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