You are correct, but its already overstocked with that list for 60l.
I'd cut it down a bit... I'd go neon rather than cardinals, as they stay a bit smaller. I'd cut the endlers down to 3-4 (they are not shoalers, so they won't mind less numbers).
I'd also go with only 1 gourami, rather than 2.
Finally, 6 (yes, it is important to have 6) C. hastatus, C. habrosus, C. pygmaeus, or C. panda - as these are the smallest. C. Panda is the largest of these getting to 1.5 inches.
You'd be looking at:
6 neons
3-4 endlers
1 gourami
6 dwarf cory specie
I'd also forget about the otos. Algae can be controlled by other means than having a fish eat it. But, endlers actually will munch on algae a bit. If they can't keep up with the algae you have, you will have to take care of it manually. The biggest key with algae is to keep the light in the tank to a mimimum, unless you have live plants. (Live plants, btw, will also help to control algae, as it can outcompete the algae for nutrients.) Running the lights only during the time that you will be around to SEE the fish makes the most sense. I have my lights on a timer, and my plants can handle a bit more light, so my lights click on at 3PM and click off at 10PM. The fish don't need the light though, just the ambient light of the room is sufficient for them, and will keep the algae from getting too much of a problem.