Good Fish Ideas For My Tank?

Neons stay smaller, which is the way I would go. They also do tolerate higher pH than Cardinals, generally. I'd wait to add the neons to last though, as they are a bit more sensitive than other fish.
Sounds like Neons are the way to go then. I'm putting Endlers in first, and I'm guessing I should put Corys and the third Otto in before the Neons too.

Thank you very much for the help!

EDIT: Would it be a good idea to get a moss ball for my tank? Apparently they attract algae so it doesn't grow as much everywhere else. I would like to get one tomorrow when I get my Endlers, if you guys think that'll be a good idea.
Currant list -
  • 5 Endlers
  • 6 Neon Tetras
  • 6 Pygmy Corys
  • 3 Otocinclus
If you are getting otos, having fresh algae for them to munch on is a good thing, so getting a moss ball to "attract" algae is unnecessary. BTW, I've never heard that they "attract" algae. Plants will outcompete algae for the nutrients though, which might be what you mean. If you need algae, just leave your lights on a little longer, that's usually an easy way to get algae for the otos.

BTW, don't rely on just the algae in the tank to feed the otos... algae wafers would be a good idea, as well as many other soft veggies - zucchini, leafy greens, etc. Frozen peas are also a good option for the fish from time to time. Deshelled (meaning the outer shell around the soft "meat" inside the greens.)
Oh yeah, forgot about the Otos... I guess they'll need the algae, huh. Thanks for reminding me of that! ;)

I thought that if you feed fish that feed on algae and such food for them like wafers etc, they get lazy and stop eating algae, instead they rely on you to feed them. Is this true? Or would feeding them wafers not make them lazy anyhow?
I heard that I would even have room for a few more Neons and Endlers, and maybe some Cherry Shrimp too!
Well, my BN removed every speck of algae (not that there was a ton) in my tank, and I haven't had a bit of algae since, even though I still feed him a few algae wafers a week. He might be a bit lazy, but the tank is clean and he is very large (4-5inches long).

Not sure about otos, but the key is that you don't want them to starve because there isn't sufficient algae for them to live and thrive on. In the wild, if there's not sufficient algae, they can move to a new spot, not so in your tank... or if they are missing certain nutrients by eating too much of one algae, they can get a new algae from a new spot... Giving different veggies, algae wafers, etc. helps to keep them healthier. If they get lazy and stop eating algae, then you have to take care of things... Ultimately, it always comes back to you. ;-)

I heard that I would even have room for a few more Neons and Endlers, and maybe some Cherry Shrimp too!

Always better to start off smaller and build up... better to add too few and add more later, than to go too heavy early and limit your other options, or have to rehome some. Less is always more. ;-)
Yeah, thanks for the advice. :) I'll stick with the number of each fish which I thought of before and add more later on. I guess I should buy some wafers tomorrow as well when I get my Endlers and a moss ball. :)
Remember otos are small, so they won't need a lot in the way of the wafer. Also, the endlers will come down to pick at it, so you might need to add it later at night close to lights out.
Just went and got my first five Yellow Jacket/Tuxedo Endlers! :D They are beautiful, but so tiny! :3

They are currently floating in the bag, acclimatizing. They will be there for an hour or so, and then they shall be released. I will take some snaps of them later and share them!
Oh, I usually add a bit of tank water in the bag as I float fish, don't worry. :)

They're out now and they are fantastic! They're swimming around as a group and seem to be happy. I'm looking forward to switching on the tank lights tomorrow to really appreciate their colours. You know, I've never had many fish that swim around like normal in a tank that I've just put them into as quickly as my Endlers are doing now... It's really good to see!
I think I'll get Honey Gouramis instead of Neon Tetras now... They're different in size etc and I love the Honey Gouramis. I don't think Neons would be as happy in a taller tank, as someone has helped me see, so I think two or three Honey Gouramis would be nice. I hope they'll be ok with Endlers. Will they be?
I just got three Golden Honey Gouramis! They are currently floating and will release them soon. I can't wait!

So the current list is -
  • 5 Yellow Jacket Endlers
  • 3 Golden Honey Gouramis
  • 3 Otocinclus
  • 4-5 Cherry Shrimp (still need to get)

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