Good 10 gallon inhabitants for kids

Just don't do the Bala idea! In a 20~30gal my idea would have worked. I just didn't pay enough attention. Sorry! I'll go hide in the reeds!!
Side note: I loved my old bala shark. The second fish I ever got way way back in my 30gal and he was very happy (it was an underpopulated tank with only 10 fish so he did very well) growing to a good 5". I miss "Sharky", poor lil guy.
Now ever since I jump on the "Buy a bala" bandwaggon whenever I can. Glee!
I know she wants zebra-y fish, but why not go for a male betta and some ADFs? It's worth the suggestion.

Plus, zebra danios are really active and need at least a group of 5. And there's not enough swimming room for them in a 10 gallon.

Female betta community! :thumbs: 6 girls. Brilliant. :D
littlefishie said:
Female betta community! :thumbs: 6 girls. Brilliant. :D
6 girls (adult) would start to eat space for other fish wouldn't it? 5 would be my choice. One type of fish could be boring for the girl and with 6 places taken it'd get cramped.
I guess for the contrary reason a single fighter (male) and some shrimp would get dull too.
Almost every ten gallon female community I've heard of should have either 4 or 6 girls in it.
Odd number leaves someone to get beat on. Even number of girls evens out the aggression, from my understanding.
She already has a male betta which I'm donating my 2.5 gallon heated tank (amos is being upgraded to a 5 gallon tank this weekend) and besides - I'd NEVER put a male betta in with anything, nor would I recommend it to them. I can just see the betta eating something in the tank or something ripping its fins off and the little girl crying atrociously.

The female bettas I actually thought of.

I think that once we go to the store and see some fish she might be for something besides zebra-ish.

Hmm... what is this thing? (Sorry, I'm a complete idiot when it comes to fish names) heh heh


I'm assuming it's a bottom feeder??
BettaMomma said:
She already has a male betta which I'm donating my 2.5 gallon heated tank (amos is being upgraded to a 5 gallon tank this weekend) and besides - I'd NEVER put a male betta in with anything, nor would I recommend it to them. I can just see the betta eating something in the tank or something ripping its fins off and the little girl crying atrociously.

The female bettas I actually thought of.

I think that once we go to the store and see some fish she might be for something besides zebra-ish.

Hmm... what is this thing? (Sorry, I'm a complete idiot when it comes to fish names) heh heh


I'm assuming it's a bottom feeder??
That would be a clown loach. They grow to over a foot. Not suitable for a ten gallon.

The other one is a bumblebee goby, I can't tell if it's the freshwater or brackish species. I'm not too sure about those, try in the Oddball forum for a bit more info. :thumbs:
BettaMomma said:
black tetras?
Blackskirt tetras?
How would they be in this tank?
That's about as zebraish as they come.
Probably a school of 5-6 black skirts in a ten gallon. Not positive on that, it might be a bit difficult to squeeze some bottom feeders in there without overstocking.
There are plenty of loaches that stay under a foot, well really 8 inches rarely do clowns reach a foot in the aquarium. Chain loaches are very nice example and would do alot in your tank. Bala sharks need a 125 gallon tank not 20 to 30 gallons. Zebra danios wouldnt work ethier IMO because they need a some swimming space due to they are active swimmers.
So THAT'S what a clown loach is.
No WONDER everyone loves them.

Thanks so much for all the info. I WISH firefish gobies were freshwater fishes, could go easily in a 10 gallon tank and could be taken care of by a 5 year old.

Anyway - I'll keep hunting for some fishes she could have :)
If your 5 year old can take care of a marine tank. A 10 gallon would hold 2 max. Id say freahwater is the way to go.

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