Good 10 gallon inhabitants for kids

Man, I've already tried to explain to him that sticking the fish in there is pretty similar to pouring mr clean over them.
But that didn't seem to bother him that much, really.
I did copy and paste your info, Sylvia, and sent it off to him.
We'll see what happens.

thanks for the info, guys. I'll keep ya posted.
Don't you just hate it when people ask you for advice cause they see how wonderful your fish and your tank is and then never actually listen :angry:
aloaring @ Posted: Mar 18 2005, 03:59 PM

Don't you just hate it when people ask you for advice cause they see how wonderful your fish and your tank is and then never actually listen angry.gif

I really do.
Not only because I feel like he completely just disregarded what I said, even though he ASKED for my help, but then in turn I took up all of your guys' time to get good info also. I know that he had gone to the lfs and got some seeded gravel and put it in when he set up the tank. Then I never really heard anymore for a week or so. Then I asked him how the cycling was going and he kind of got a silly look on his face and said "Gonna just plunk some fish in - it'll be easier."

I just shook my head and said "Maybe for you, yeah - but not for the fish."

I then again told him how hard it was on them and he made a comment about the fish only being a couple of bucks and they could be considered "sacrificial".

I was pissed.
Dont know if we are still wondering what fish are good. But Bumblebee Gobys are great. You could fit a bunch of them into a 10g, like around 5? They will eat any excess fry if you get livebearers, and are comical little buggers. They need a tiny bit of salt...probably one tablespoon for the entire tank.

P.S. The neons will most likely be killed by the danios once they get older. My danios actually killed my guppys once. They can get nasty as they get older.

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