Gona Get Some More Harlequins


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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So I'm going to be getting some more harelquins and up them to 8 and I was wondering if anybody has kept them with an african butterfly fish. I don't think it would eat them as they swim in the middle and don't go to the top at feeding time but do you think they would eat them?

I have never kwpt an ABF but I would definitely not risk it, the harlequins would probably get eaten :/
Ok I was just asking because mine never eat at the top because of the angels and I'v read that the ABF shouldn't bother mid swimming fish and my harlequins are almost 2". So I guess it would be a risk since I can't find anybody who's kept them together or now. arrghh makes things complicated :/

that's what I'v heard and then also they usually don't bother fish that don't go to the top so I really don't know since a lot of people don't seem to have them.
Harlequins do go to the top quite often so i wouldn't risk it. The only small fish that are safe are bottom dwelling fish like corys or loaches. You could get some bigger tetras like red eye or congo tetras though, since they get to a good size and are very fast and active.
Ok the only reason I asked is mine don't because they are afraid of the angels because they go to the top :good: Not to sound like i'm trying to not listen to you guys

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