Going To Try White Clouds


New Member
Apr 15, 2009
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I have read how easy it apparently is to breed these little fish...so I'm going to try it and see what happens. Only there are a couple of potential problems:

  • There are 2 neon tetras, a zebra danio, and a swordtail in the maintenance tank
  • The maintenance tank has an established population of ramshorn snails.

The neons were already in the tank when I bought the white clouds. The swordtail and the zebra danio were surprise survivors from my daughter's tank which I had assumed was devoid of fish and were discovered as the tank was being emptied (there was very little water in it. Since they made it through so much difficulty I want them to live on in a better environment. So I transferred them to my 29 gallon tank.

The neons seem pretty much sedate and are small to begin with (I am pretty sure they were stunted in their growth when I bought them a while back). The zebra danio seems to think he is a white cloud now and swims with the school as there are no other zebra danios in the tank for him/her to run with.

A big concern is the swordtail. I want to use that fish and the zebra danio to cycle my 10 gallon tank which I plan on using for breeding white clouds also. I know that a fully grown swordtail would make mincemeat of white cloud fry.

And I am not so sure about those ramshorn snails and what they would do to white cloud eggs and babies who arent free swimming yet. Not sure if I should try to eliminate them (It would be very difficult and tedious I expect). But I have heard mixed things concerning them----some say they are harmless and some say they will annhialate fish eggs.

The maintenance tank is kind of being handled as a "law of the jungle" type situation----survival of the fittest so to speak. If I get white cloud babies to survive in that with the other fish in there then they are just that----true survivors.

The 10 gallon tank is more of a "plan B" in case I have no success.

Do you think I will have surviving white cloud babies in the 29 gallon despite its other occupants? There are 10 white clouds in there and I may add another 10 to have a nice sized shoal--but I don't want to overcrowd.

I do have a 125 gallon tank which is the ultimate final destination of a lot of these should I have success. I am getting rid of the cichlids. I prefer more docile fish. And large amounts of them at that.
all the fish you have will eat the babies, including the minnows...the only way really to get survival is by having lots of plants and floating ones or to take all the fish out after you see a spawning.

size of tank doesnt matter...just make sure the eggs are spawned on gravel or marbles so the eggs can fall through. most spawnings take place evening or morning and the males drive the females into vegetation.

as for snails it depends how well the eggs are hidden but i dont know too much about the snails.

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