GM Fish


Fish Addict
Feb 3, 2004
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UK Peterborough (80 miles north of london)
I was just wondering on ur views of GM fish.

I think that as long as the fish dosn't suffer at the results of the modifacation then as far as i'm conserned it's just a new speicies. It's not that different from corss-breeding. corss-breeding is just a bit more random than genitaly modifiying it. the only thing is cross-breeding can have nasty effects more often than you think and that is where GM is different genes are selected and then ingected to the fish embreo.

GM is much better for the fish but just as long as they're not able to reproduce 'cos the last thing we need is a geological contamination of a GM fish.

well thats my opnion and i hope you don't hold it agenst me.
Why don't you look way back in the anals of Trop chit chat and look up "glow in the dark fish in the USA yay" posted by Opcn

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