glowlight color loss


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
I went on vacation for two days and when I came back the top half of my glowlights has turned a milky white. Their stripe is still bright and their bottom half is normal. Anyone know what could cause this? They are still acting normally.
Now that you're home has the milky white faded out. and did you have any lights on while you were gone?
There were no lights on while I was gone. And no food for two days. I added two danios 3 days before I left. Could that have something to do with it?
I've found in my experience that my birghtly colored fish such as neons will be devoid of color after extended periods of no light. I went away for 3 days this weekend and when I returned my clowns have almost no striping left. Several hours after putting on the lights they were back to near normal(they're still not as black as they were even now 24 hours later)
It has been 3 days but I have been leaving the lights off A LOT lately because it has been so hot.

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