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Aug 15, 2007
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My tank (175L) has now been running for 4 weeks (fishless cycle)

After about 2 weeks, the ammonia had still not started to drop. I managed to get some filter media and added this and within 2 days, all the ammonia was processed to nil. I added a little more ammonia and it has for the last 2 weeks been processing from 5 ppm to nil ever 12 hours (sometimes quicker)

My nitrIte has been off the chart for the past 2 weeks.

My tank is at 37 deg, covered with a duvet and has 2 very large airstones pumping large amounts of air and movement into the tank.

It is still showing no signs of the nitrIte dropping after 2 weeks and having had mature filter media added.

I can't see anything else I can do.

Should I do a water change ?

The tank has been in darkness due to duvet covering. Does it need any light ?

Do a large water change and keep adding your ammonia, your doing well :)
Do a large water change and keep adding your ammonia, your doing well :)

How much ??

50 % or 75 %

I am wary that I don't wipe out the good bacteria I have so far !!!

50 is a safe bet :) by all means wait for further confirmation. Remember around 90% of your bacteria are cultivated within your filter, so aslong as the water is conditioned propperly it shouldnt affect your cycle :)
The reason for the change If you haven't already assumed is to reduce the huge levels of nitrite which would take a lot longer than the small amount needed to cycle with, by doing a water change you effectively reduce it by half of so making it a lot easier to digest by the bacteria.
Lovely, I will do a 50% change.

PH is 7 so seems high enough for bacteria to develope.
A water change will work, I'm sure that I'd work with me too.

What I've started to do to measure the Nitrite levels is dilute tank water (5mls) in a quantity of tap water (which has no Nitrite) 250mls, 500mls, 1ltr what ever. Then test Nitrite levels after letting it stand for 30mins or so. Then you can kinda guess the levels of Nitrite.

Mine was ~75 yesterday and now is ~25 so once it starts to drop then it goes quickly. Doing the above at least you can see whats going on rather than it being just "off the scale"

Like the idea, will have a go.

Thats all I need.... to see it going down..


Yesterday I did a 20% water change, today i have done a 50% water change (180 litre tank)

I have given it 4 hours to settle and my NitrIte is still off the chart

My ammonia is still clearing from 4ppm >> 0 in about 10 hours.

My PH is 7.0

Tank is 34 deg and covered with a quilt. I have a very big air pump putting lots of air and movement in

I have just tested my tap water and it is 1 PPM for NitrIte.

Surely Nitrite should have reduced after a toal of 75% water change in 2 days ! Using an API test kit.


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