gimmie a clue

Syno. Angelicus are beautiful fish, you can see a picture of mine in my signature. Its about 8.5" long now and i expect it to grow to a foot easily! So be warned if you plan to keep them they will need a good size tank!

How big are they? If you don't want them all i might like another!

Ben only going to keep them if they can go with my plans for the BGK....uve seen my post in oddballs cos you posted there.... but dont tell me that cant go just because you want them lol :p
well assuming the synos are larger than the BGK, they will be fine...i would find it hard to believe that a BGK (even full grown) could fit a large syno in its mouth...if they are still small, i would be weary, but they do grow pretty fast (syno eupertus grew from 1" to 4" in 7 months) ....but i hope someone will chime in if they know of the contrary!
my synos are already 5inches long

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