Thank you Dwarfgourami, and I love my fishies.
I have the money for a larger tank, it is all a matter of convincing them there is space in the house(which there is, but my mom is odd. lol)
There may have been snails in my tank, I cant remember. But remember, when I got the shark it was only my 2nd month or so having fish, so I wouldnt know. But when you try to make me feel like an idiot, I get defensive.
I read an article on here about the different gouramis, and then compared it to my "giant".
When I had gotten him, he looked nothing like the one I had before, and after reading this article I realised that he is a banded gourami.
But when I got him, his label said he was a giant. Allthough I wondered why he was so colorful, I didnt question it because he was gorgeous, and it didnt matter much to me.
So now I know he wont be getting 28".
I am lucky with the barb, because he may nip at the other fish on occasion, he doesnt do it very often, he usually just swims about.
The paradise fish seems to have set up his territory, but doesnt mind sharing it. At the moment anyway. He and the blue gourami with swim side by side almost without complaint.
And the blue seems to have taken a liking to the pearl, which I sepperated from the rest of the tank since the banded wouldnt stay in the trap, but she is smaller and doesnt mind as much. And she was the one terrorizing him.
Today he started to come out of hiding, and seems to be learning to avoid the blue, which is what my other giant had to do and after a week he ignored her and they were fine.
Today I will be going out to check fish tanks and see what I can convince my parents into letting me get.
I DONT have a honey gourami, so I dont know what you are talking about.
Also, you dont have to repeat what everyone else says. I get it. Im not dumb.
And last, you might as well stop posting in this topic, because A: I am not learning anything from you. B: You have a nasty sense of humor, and I am done talking to you.