Hee Hee, they're here! And they're freakin' gorgeous!!!!!
I have to eat my words from earlier, about the post office. They called me early this morning, as I was tracking them online, from the other side of the city, I had no idea where. Ft.Worth has at least twenty post offces
The clerk who called asked if I wanted to come pick up the box or have the guy deliver it...I was unsure. I had a bad feeling,like we'd miss each other or something so I told her to just go ahead and have the dude deliver them, then I asked her to make sure he's gentle with the box and told her I was anxious because they were live fish. She said she'd call me right back. She called back and said she's bringing them herself

. Then she called a few times and said she was stuck in traffic

but they finally got here, God bless that sweet old lady
So...they're floating in their bags and I'm already in love, it was love at first sight.