an article at wasan bettas' site that explains the importance in the use of giants when crossing fish..
here is the article: wrote:
Subject: Why giant plakat is important
I will be promoting giant plakat in America. This year after the French betta show, every betta breeder in Germany is convinced that half moon betta can be improved only by crossing to plakat male. Rajiv Massilamoni started this experiment in 1994 and now is able to migrate the color of half moon to red. This was impossible in 1994. The germans call the hybrids Kamposhka. the problem they encountered is that they were able to create 180 degree Kamposhka but the fishes became smaller than ordinary betta. This became a problem in america for america wants large bettas not small bettas. In 1980, a breeder here by the name of Warren Young originally developed a supersized betta and named it after his wife. He called it the Libby betta. It was a veiltail betta but 3 times the size of the
regular Thai veiltail betta. This type of betta was very nice and I got interested in bettas in 1989 because I was able to buy in San Diego California 3 giant bettas. I was browsing bettas in a pet store with my mother when I saw these Libby betta. The fins were no good but the size was spectacular. When I met Dr. Gene Lucas for the first time in 1990, he was very proud of the Libby betta for Warren Young was his friend. Libby betta only came in turqoise and blue/red multicolor. In Walter Maurus book, a picture of two Libby betta is photographed. Next came inbreeding of half moon bettas. Since 1987, Guy de la Val of France has been developing the half moon bettas. In the beginning the fishes were large. I imported Guy Delaval half moon bettas in 1994 and we became partners . The fishes he sent me were super large. However, later due to inbreeding, the fishes became smaller. Then Rajiv started crossing the half moon to plakat so the fishes got much smaller. Another breeder in California Gilbert Limjenco inbred to plakat some more and now the half moon betta in the united states were supersmall except the ones that were kept by Paris Jones and later continued by Peter Goettner in 1994 because they did not introduce plakat in their lines. Peter was very careful in keeping his lines clean so he just linebred to earlier version of Delaval fish mixed with his supersized bettas. When crowntail bettas was introduced by Henry Yin, the bettas he showed to the public was supersized bettas too. The bigger the size, the better it sold. The fishes that he sold in Aquabid for top price were large bettas, namely the Red Orchid Black(BGR) and the crosstail
red/black. Even if there are other breeders selling crosstail, the size were small.
Henry's crowns are superior to any other crowntail bettas because of size and quality of finnage. I have female bettas that I got from Curtis Low of Hawaii that are 4 inches big. No one can breed these bettas for they are too large. With the giant plakat, it solves two problems. This large half moon females can be bred to giant plakat. Half moon females bred to plakat shortens the caudal which is important in half moon selection. In half moon, the caudal must be short but increase in height. The most important plakat color right now is the solid black. Even the germans are looking for this color. Nobody has yet produced a large solid black 180 degree half moon betta with solid color like steel blue from peter goettner. Most of the half moon black betta in singapore are Bonnie Mckinley stock which was developed from black lace marbles. It was not developed from Turqoise , steel blue, or royal blue. This is why you do not see Peter Goettner black because he does not want this type of half moon black. When he went to France this year, he was more interested on the half moon black plakat but the one german breeder did not want to sell. Another breeder who showed black this year in the IBC convention is Richard Yu but Richard Yu developed his half moon black by crossing his perfect royal blue stock (originally from Peter Goettner stock ) to regular black. He was able to get the correct color of the finnage but the
body became dark royal blue. It was impossible to remove the irridescence in his stock and this are not perfect blacks. Curtis Low of Hawaii was able to refine the
blacks better than anyone else but his blacks are inferior to the steel blue from the same spawn. This bettas are originally Peter Goettner steel blues but he was able to introduce and refine the Mckinley color in the stock and now the steel blue line carries melano. I still use the cross between Peter Goettner line and the Curtis Low steel blue to produce the half moon melano. But if I can produce a solid black plakat , then I am sure to have a good line of half moon melano from the black plakat. At the same time the size will be developed. We have to bear in mind that the most important color in bettas in the world today is the black (melano ) betta. and most expensive bettas in the world today is a true half moon melano betta if you can find any breeder willing to sell. If Henry Yin develops the large solid black crowntail betta, that is another very expensive bettas to come. Henry already has the best black crowntail in Jakarta but if he can remove the blue irridescence and increase the size, he will have the most expensive black crowntail bettas next year.
superstar betta breeder jim sonnier wrote a reply to a giant betta post on a singapore board i visit recently -
Hi All,
This is my first post on your forum. I have spawned what I call Half-Giants (7-8cm total length) to regular females on 2 occasions. Each time my offspring showed approximately 50% regular size and 50% Half-Giant size.
I did see a full sized Giant at the 2002 IBC Convention. Without measuring, it looked about 16-18cm total length. Approximately twice the size of the Half-Giant male that I purchased there.
What I have seen, heard, and experienced with the "Giants" leads me to the following hypothesis...
1)The Giant trait is controlled by a single pair of genes.
2)The mutated "Giant" gene is incompletely dominant over the regular size gene.
a) If an offspring carries both "Giant" genes it will show the full-sized Giant trait.
B) If an offspring carries only one "Giant" gene it will show Half-Giant size.
c) If an offspring does not carry any "Giant" genes it will be regular size.
From my experiences with these Half-Giants I can say that their most striking quality is their voracious appetite. They are eating machines! To achieve the full growth potential they must be fed much more food when they are young than a regular sized Betta (2 to 3 times more for male Half-Giants; female Half-Giants 2 times more food). They produce more waste and this means more frequent water changes if you are using a static jar system. Needless to say they also need larger jars.
One thing you have to watch for, once they have become fully grown, is constipation. I feed then live brine shrimp each evening which acts as a mild laxative. Also, you can cut back on the amount of food once they have become fully grown.
Jim Sonnier
thought you all might be interested in this stuff. giant bettas are generating buzz around the world it seems