George's Journal

I’ve planted the 4 pots of hairgrass. When my 5 new pots arrive I’ll probably replace the established clump in the centre so the whole lots grows and spreads evenly.

My Lily is showing signs of recovery – I guess it didn’t like being moved but is showing new growth now.

Dubby – I like the Crypt ideas but am not sure if I’ll have enough room. I don’t want to shade the hairgrass (at least until it’s established anyway). Thanks for the input though.

I’ve just noticed the first signs of algae. There’s tiny fine filaments (2 to 3mm) growing on some of the Vallis. I’ve reduced lighting and feeding to hopefully nip it in the bud. I think my water change has caused it – I shouldn’t have added fertilisers.

The white spots are oxygen bubbles (pearling) BTW. Note the bogwood movement too – more in keeping with a “U” shape composition.


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Yenko said:
A cryptocoryne Wendii (Sorry about the bad spelling) would look good where the lily is. I've gone against my word and aquascaped my tank too. I was thinking about using glosso for a lawn; but I may do something unconventional and make a 4" deep lawn of water sprite. I also added some corkscrew val; it may outgrow my 10 gallon tank, but it seems to stay shorter than giant val.
If my Lily doesn't reocover then a Crypt is a great idea. Good luck with your changes. Corkscrew Vallis stays a lot shorter than Giant Vallis (12" versus 2 metres!!)
Your tank is coming along very well. The ivy on the right looks great.

How do you get everything other than the plants/fish/substrate to be so black in the photos? Do you take pics in pitch black darkness?
He has a black background, and I'm not sure, but covering the sides of the tank with a black background might help. I leave my tank-sides covered in light green fuzz alage; if any nasty stuff starts growing I'll remove it, but I think it adds a nice look and keeps my snails happy.
houndour said:
Your tank is coming along very well. The ivy on the right looks great.

How do you get everything other than the plants/fish/substrate to be so black in the photos? Do you take pics in pitch black darkness?
Thanks Houndour

I do have a black background. The sides are kept clean and uncovered. A little natural daylight comes through the right side helping the plants grow even more. I used to keep it covered due to algae risk but have found no problem. My only slight problem is my vallis (which hardly gets any daylight being on the left) - some of the leaves have a small covering of fine hairs but isn't getting worse. I've stopped feeding my fish, reduced my lighting to 1 WPG and 8 hours in an attempt to rid it.
sounds like the one I have. Mines blue on the back too. My background still doenst look as black as yours though!

another question: I remember reading a post where you said your heater is on the left. Do you use the CO2 diffuser ladder thing? If so where are they?

The main heater/stat is inside my Juwel internal filter on the right. My heater cable runs down the left rear corner. My 2 Nutrafin diffusers are on the left glass with my thermometer. I like to hide all equipment - it spoils the picture.

BTW I like the progress in your set-up.
My heater cable runs down the left rear corner

hmmm interesting. i thought those had to be under the gravel. what is the benefit of having an additional heater to the juwel one (you've got me thinking now..)

i'm running out of things to buy so feel free to convince me..
Sorry. You've misinterpreted me. The cable runs down the left onto the base under the gravel. Excuse my crap drawing ability. I've included the diffusers for Houndour.


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ahh i thought so, oh well. no chance of me emptying the gravel.

i just planted my riccia lawn in the 40G last night (after dropping the lot on the carpet whilst sewing it into the mesh (not happy). sorry to follow your lead but i've also just ordered 8 pots of hairgrass (for the front of the 40G) and a tiger lotus lily.

i'm fiddling with the tubes as well as i'm not getting enough intensity at the bottom (my dwarf swordplants are all brown and crappy looking - still pearling though) i really dont know what to go for.

i currently have 2 OT's 1 FW and 1 5500K

which one would you swap and what with. (i'm thinking of getting a jbl full spectrum daylight tube in place of an OT but they dont give K rating details so i'm a bit stumped)

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