A big thanks to everyone that took the time to leave their feedback in this thread -
I've done a bit of tinkering.
Big Sagittaria culling and I've added two spare small pieces of bogwood I had lying around. I quite like the effect - it almost looks like the fern is attached to one larger piece.
You can see I've left some sag in as a nice transition to the fern in a crescent shape. I've taken the Crinum out for the photo - don't panic Jimbooo, it's back in there now!
I'm thinking of planting the foreground with Glosso or HC. Paulioo/bunjiweb - fancy doing your trickery?
Feedback welcome people.
This makes the java fern look even more impressive. Good, I like it. As to the foreground, I'm not sure, but I really like the software idea. You guys should design software geared specifically for aquariums.