George's Journal

I know Jimbooo would be interested in that idea

too right, just say the word and i'll be at your front door in a jiffy. looking good there gf225 what is the spectrum like on the interpet tubes. much more blue than the FW or not?
kenneth_kpe said:
cant help to think about the cardinals and what they are thinking since they are in a tank with a discus
Kenneth - I'm not too sure how to interpret that but here goes.

Thanks for your concern regarding the stocking of Digweed with my Cardinals, it is always good to hear fellow members sharing their views in the name of fish welfare.

You’re not the first person to express their “fears” and I doubt you’ll be the last – although I must admit you have done so in a more subtle and polite manner!

Thankfully I do not share such fears – if I were to do so then I would obviously be an irresponsible fishkeeper, something I sincerely hope I am not, or perceived to be. If there is any lack of responsibility to be had on my behalf it is the stocking of a single Discus, something that is unorthodox but achievable without problem IME.

I’m not sure where the concern with mixing Discus and Cardinal tetras originates but let me explain why I’m personally not worried –

1. Digweed is currently physically too small to eat a tetra.
2. I have never actually heard of Discus eating Cardinals – only rumours.
3. Discus experts recommend keeping Discus (juveniles and adults) with shoals of smaller fish as it increases their sense of security and encourages feeding (dry foods!) Just Google “Discus cardinal tankmates” if in any doubt.
4. When Digweed outgrows my 34G he will be suitably re-housed (with other Discus and probably a large shoal of Cardinal tetras).

I realise this reply may seem a little OTT but you have given me the opportunity to justify my chosen tankmates. For this I thank you very much.

jimbooo said:
I know Jimbooo would be interested in that idea

too right, just say the word and i'll be at your front door in a jiffy. looking good there gf225 what is the spectrum like on the interpet tubes. much more blue than the FW or not?
I'll let you know mate.

The Daylight is similar on paper re. spectrum to the FW but the physical output is less green. It is hard to describe without seeing the two together but the Daylight is literally pure white whereas the FW appears "crisper and cooler".

I would recommend them in a layout with lots of green. However a layout with some red benefits from the warm tones of the Dennerle IME.
sorry bout that gf didn't mean to offend you or anything :D ! i think discus eating smaller tetras only happens when the smaller tetras are introduced to the tank when the discus are almost fully sized. A breeder friend of mine keeps cards with discus too! but the 4 discus in the tank were used to the presence of the cardinals in the tank (since the disucs were smaller). With his other discus its a different story however they got eaten up when he tried to place em together in the same tank. But still sorry about that :/
Latest pic.


  • nature.JPG
    57 KB · Views: 81
A big thanks to everyone that took the time to leave their feedback in this thread -

I've done a bit of tinkering.

Big Sagittaria culling and I've added two spare small pieces of bogwood I had lying around. I quite like the effect - it almost looks like the fern is attached to one larger piece.

You can see I've left some sag in as a nice transition to the fern in a crescent shape. I've taken the Crinum out for the photo - don't panic Jimbooo, it's back in there now!

I'm thinking of planting the foreground with Glosso or HC. Paulioo/bunjiweb - fancy doing your trickery?

Feedback welcome people.


  • gf.JPG
    59.1 KB · Views: 74
gf225 said:
A big thanks to everyone that took the time to leave their feedback in this thread -

I've done a bit of tinkering.

Big Sagittaria culling and I've added two spare small pieces of bogwood I had lying around. I quite like the effect - it almost looks like the fern is attached to one larger piece.

You can see I've left some sag in as a nice transition to the fern in a crescent shape. I've taken the Crinum out for the photo - don't panic Jimbooo, it's back in there now!

I'm thinking of planting the foreground with Glosso or HC. Paulioo/bunjiweb - fancy doing your trickery?

Feedback welcome people.

This makes the java fern look even more impressive. Good, I like it. As to the foreground, I'm not sure, but I really like the software idea. You guys should design software geared specifically for aquariums. :D
I think it looks better, but personally I'd do something with the foreground. It looks very bright green so something to contrast this, either a dark green or if it's even possible a red foreground plant.

Looks good though!
Here you go. New layout with Glosso :thumbs:


I use adobe photoshop when ever I want to change things. I used it to create my own 'Nature Layout' for my tank, currently work in progress as you may know.

I find it a great tool as it allows you to know what looks right and what doesn't, without having to wait weeks for a certain plant to grow.


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