Gazza Nano Log - Salty Fun

It is coming on very nicely, agree with Trod there.

You should change the title of your journal now, you are set up and did not go for the starter kit.

I also love your daughters dolls house that can be seen in one picture, looks fun.
Coming along really nicely :drool: , are you feeding your sun carol everyday?

Thanks. Not at the moment, I have had to travel abit the past week or so. Its about 2-3 times a week at teh moment. I think I am going to reduce the mushroom to twice a week because they (there is actually 4 on that rock) are not feeding too often

It is coming on very nicely, agree with Trod there.

You should change the title of your journal now, you are set up and did not go for the starter kit.

I also love your daughters dolls house that can be seen in one picture, looks fun.

She loves the dolls house & my little boy loves to trash it, so its a win win :good:
HI All, Been up the last two nights watching for any hidden monstera. My ric & mushrooms don't look happy. Stats are fine, so keeping an eye out for a little critter. THe mushrrom is letting out some brown stringy liquid every now & then. I think I read about it on your thread Tina, will have to find it. Sun coral is coming out now. I have a new head on the ozzie duncan (that makes 3 :hyper: ), so all seems to be well.
Brown stringy liquid is expelling zooxanthelae. It may take on some that is more suitable to your tank. It could just be pooping if its been fed.

My caulastrea is doing this at the moment.
Hi All, back again. Tomorrow I will be catching up on all you logs etc.

My wife has made a good observation today. My hairy mushrooms are doing OK but not great.When I have had a chance I have been trying to look out to see if there is hitch hikers like Tina had. My wife has noticed that my Blue Knuckle crab is hosting in & around them. So I am thinking that because he is staying around there he is making them unhappy. Has anyone had experiences with the Blue knuckle crab? I don't thinking he is dining on them.

However everything else is good.

Got the 101 marine fish book that you recommened Seffie. Some lovely fish.
I have a couple of blue knuckle, never bothered any of the corals

Seffie x


glad you like the book
HI Guys,

Well its been abit of a while since i have been on here. Mixture of family things, work etc etc.

So i thought I would give you an update, no pictures but will try to post some.

Right, My Ozzie Duncan is doing brilliantly. From one head its has 5 now. Its my star attraction :rolleyes:

I have all bar one hariy mushroom alive. Not doing as well as I would like, but still not doing too bad.

My Zoa is good and looking well, but my Ric passed away. I have held off getting anymore corals, with the couple of deaths, I am content to read for now. I am wondering if my placement choices could be better. When I do go for corals again I will get a Ric & a Sarcoplyton of some sort.

Now to the fish. I still have nem, mow (the two clowns) & hellie. I have a coral goby (very small & yellow) & my final fish, which was suggested on here is a Flameback Dwarf Angel (so thanks to who suggested it), cracking looking fish. NO more fish allowed. They are all very content.

Parametres, I have had no trouble, doing abour 15-20% water change weekly (maybe over kill but its working).

My wife said two weeks ago that a bigger fish tank would look better, so I have started doing a list & researching what would look nice there.

In the tank the back wall is a lovely purpleish colour. Looking alot better than the black.

As I said I will post pictures soon & make more time to say hello :crazy:


Nice to see you back - hope to see some pictures and hear all about your plans for the new tank

Seffie x

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