Galaxy Rasbora

hello all. new to these parts. am enjoying myself. i have introduced myself in the newbie forum. Let me say first fishkiller i love those pics you have. The peace war collide... I saw a pic of a bowfront tank on aquabotanic with a buddah and was blown away, and inspired me to set up one of my own. But anyways my inquiry is about these wonderful little galaxy rasboras. In my 10 gal i have about 4 now, 8 dwarf cories, 5 hyalobagrus flavus cats(love these guys), and 3 Boraras urophthalmoides. Now i could not find much info on these guys, what they eat, water temp and ph etcc... I have tried baby brine which worked, daphnia seemed ok with the bigger pieces being spit out, cyclops ok also, nls flakes some eat. But i am losing them still. I dont think my tank conditions are bad, 80c, ph is about 6.5, i have plants and good air flow. Does anyone have solid info on these guys. Their native habitat info, what they eat in the wild, maybe some personal tips that have worked for you. These guys are expensive in jersey, $8.99 each so im not crazy about keep having to buy more. Any help is much appreciated. :good:
I dont think anyone has any solid info on these fish, they are literally that new to the aquarium trade (I believe the first place in the world to have them was the UK). It will take time for people to work out what they need. But that doesn't help very for now, so if you find something they will eat keep giving them that! I have many boraras maculatus which I feed crush flake food, which I bash for a good half hour to make it very small, so that might be worth a try.

Trimar the online fish supplier are doing :



£10 overnight del not bad i think if you order a few fish.
:hyper: I'm still debating with myself weather or not i should get any of these or just stick with tiger shrimp, but if i decide to go for them I'll get them off trimar! :D .

Thanks for posting that :) .
Yes i have had a few orders of trimar had no DOA,they pretty good,i always get my ottos from there cheap enough 4 for £5.00.
Guess even at 10 for £25 plus £10 for postage, 3.50 each is a bargain for galaxy rasboras, cheapest Ive seen/heard about.

The Maidenhead aquatics i saw the galaxy rasboras at had them in a softwater tank. Dont know what they fed them though, never thought to ask
Thanks everyone. when i first did a search for some info on the rasboras, an artical from practical fishkeeping(which is a very good mag, im tired of the ones in the us) said the uk would be the first to recieve them. Well i guess i can ask what part of the world they come from, their natural habitat and maybe some other fish that they share space with to get a better idea.
Thought I would update this to say that a recent blog on the PFK website says that the habitat of these fish is already under threat from over fishing.

Probably best only to buy them if you intend to and are able to bred them, so you can sell the stock back to LFSs to take the pressure off the wild stocks.

I feel really sickened after reading that article. I have 6 Galaxies at the moment and I'm appauled at the effect that the over-collection of these beautiful little fish has had. I shall certainly be doing my best to get them to breed as I believe I have a good mixture male/female in the group. It'll make me think twice about buying 'new' fish again.
still selling for £2.50 at my lfs...
tempted now...
Get them whilst you can, the latest PFK newsletter saying the galaxy rasboras are under threat doesnt sound too good !!

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