Galaxy Rasbora

With collectors storming their natural habitats there are going to be no wild survivors. It is also going to be impossible to breed enough to be able to stock the countries shops. We're therefore stuck, I think they're doomed in the wild. We're going to have to rely on experienced breeders buying a large number and keeping them in a large species biotype tank (ie 60 or more in a 5 or 6 foot aquarium) so that shops can be stocked. Many of these systems from dedicated fishkeeping environmentalists across the country is the only way we're going to be able to keep the wants of the customers accustomed for and still perhaps have more that can be released back into the wild. It's a grave shame. I'm hoping to get 5 or so just to breed myself, once I've sold more than 5 back to reliable LFSs that I know will look after the fish then I will be content that I have done good for the species. I must also ask inexperienced fishkeepers to resist buying these colourful fish on impulse, and read up properly before buying. PFK online articles I believe have been taken as the "definitive guide" to looking after this gorgeous fish.
Hey guys, the Galaxy Rasbora has been officially given the new name "Celestial Pearl Danio".



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