Furious With Pets @ Home

comparable to halfords then AND pc world !

its terrible the way *some* big shops conduct business , in fact its bloody appalling

Halfords lol good theory tho..!! And it is bloody sickening. Honestly, the fish was glued up to the bogwood, and looked like he was taking in a deep breath, anerexic with bits missing :( yuk the thought just wont leave my head
All done - a complaint placed with there head office. They aim to respond within 48hrs. I have posted a link to this page and will inform you all of there response.

Thanks all for your dedicated support :look:
where i work, we check the tanks at least every half hour if it isnt busy, and we always do our best to keep tanks and livestock in the best conditions,

during the day it is unacceptable to have decomposing fish in the tanks, we do a "dead run" in the mornings before opening and then check all day round, that way we dont have rotting flesh in the tanks

i would never buy livestock from pets@home, i went in once to look at tanks and after passing the fish bit, just said nah and left
where i work, we check the tanks at least every half hour if it isnt busy, and we always do our best to keep tanks and livestock in the best conditions,

during the day it is unacceptable to have decomposing fish in the tanks, we do a "dead run" in the mornings before opening and then check all day round, that way we dont have rotting flesh in the tanks

i would never buy livestock from pets@home, i went in once to look at tanks and after passing the fish bit, just said nah and left

Wow!! Well done, its good to know there are some great fish stores. Thats the way they should run! Sendd tips to there head office!!

Apparently the only part of it being unacceptable was the decomposing fish... The fish head must of been acceptable and the further dead fish... high stardards I think lol

Still upsetting to see it tho..
where i work, we check the tanks at least every half hour if it isnt busy, and we always do our best to keep tanks and livestock in the best conditions,

during the day it is unacceptable to have decomposing fish in the tanks, we do a "dead run" in the mornings before opening and then check all day round, that way we dont have rotting flesh in the tanks

i would never buy livestock from pets@home, i went in once to look at tanks and after passing the fish bit, just said nah and left

Wow!! Well done, its good to know there are some great fish stores. Thats the way they should run! Sendd tips to there head office!!

Apparently the only part of it being unacceptable was the decomposing fish... The fish head must of been acceptable and the further dead fish... high stardards I think lol

Still upsetting to see it tho..

i work at a world of water, in watford, ive only just started working there but its come on loads since 3 years ago
my local pets at homes always has dead fish, and the last time i went even the skeleton of a fish was left.

and every fish ive bought has white spot but i belive this is a common problem with pets at home in general.

i'd love to go to another fish store but they get even worse unfortunately.

end of the day its just a general fish store and im sure they have a lot of people who are very happy with their purchases, but its only the bad cases you ever get to hear of.

make a complaint, that way there must be something done to rectify the problem

best of luck
Agreed with putting a complaint in, ive just put one in about my local store. A male betta in with betta females and some sort of tetra not a good way to keep them before they go to new homes. Also plenty of other things going wrong in there, dead fish etc. Its not even as if theres a lot of maintenance to be done on the tanks there if they did it regularly and properly.

I can't fault maidenhead aquatics near me, tanks are always crystal clear, i think ive spotted maybe 1 or 2 dead fish in the times ive been in and one of those was being fished out as i saw it. Also the advice is great usually, maybe not so much from the bunch at the weekend but even then they send you in the direction of somebody who does know. I know pets at home is a general pet store and theres not always going to be as much knowledge about specific fish but considering they have the same stuff in every week it cant be that hard to train staff up to offer advice on them. Id love to work there on there aquatics department to be honest even if it was just to stop the amount of dead fish i see in there. Fish tanks are like a shop window when your selling fish, if it looks rubbish people arent going to buy. Or they do then realise there mistake after a few days. Also what is it with selling common plecs?? I could be wrong but your average buyer in pets at home probably isnt going to have a tank big enough for a fully grown one, why cant they source something in a little smaller like bristlenoses. They would make much more sence to sell wouldnt they? and i cant see the cost being much different.

Rant over, sorry but they reallyget my blood boiling
I am bliming furious!! I went to pets at home today to cheer up my molly and buy her a few more friends... Anyway, when i was there every tank had a dead fish in it.. There gourami fish were rubbing against the bog wood.. in the same tank there was a head of a gourami, which the other fish fed from!

In another tank, a fish had decomposed against the bogwood!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so furious i demanded to speaak to the manager!! the dopey fish expert couldnt even sex out the mollies!! said he had to refer to the book. Apparently they check out the tanks every hr! When i asked to see there reports of who checked the tanks on the hr they dont have one.. no suprise.. Poor bloody fish are in a right mess.. One was rolling on it back and fighting it.. i mistaked it for dead :( The dopey idot said its not dead yet and laughed... My little girl was shouting out ewwww!! and the idiot told her to Shhh! I swear, he lucky im a lady or i be done for assault! lol

I taken some pictures but they not come out well... What should i do??? :angry:

I hate to break it to you but nothing you can do really... Complaint or not, letter or e-mail, what ever you do it really won't change anything. There have been hundreds of these exact threads on this website alone and nothing has changed...
where i work, we check the tanks at least every half hour if it isnt busy, and we always do our best to keep tanks and livestock in the best conditions,

during the day it is unacceptable to have decomposing fish in the tanks, we do a "dead run" in the mornings before opening and then check all day round, that way we dont have rotting flesh in the tanks

i would never buy livestock from pets@home, i went in once to look at tanks and after passing the fish bit, just said nah and left

Wow!! Well done, its good to know there are some great fish stores. Thats the way they should run! Sendd tips to there head office!!

Apparently the only part of it being unacceptable was the decomposing fish... The fish head must of been acceptable and the further dead fish... high stardards I think lol

Still upsetting to see it tho..

i work at a world of water, in watford, ive only just started working there but its come on loads since 3 years ago

I didnt want to ask but was wondering if it was anywhere near!! lol
Agreed with putting a complaint in, ive just put one in about my local store. A male betta in with betta females and some sort of tetra not a good way to keep them before they go to new homes. Also plenty of other things going wrong in there, dead fish etc. Its not even as if theres a lot of maintenance to be done on the tanks there if they did it regularly and properly.

I can't fault maidenhead aquatics near me, tanks are always crystal clear, i think ive spotted maybe 1 or 2 dead fish in the times ive been in and one of those was being fished out as i saw it. Also the advice is great usually, maybe not so much from the bunch at the weekend but even then they send you in the direction of somebody who does know. I know pets at home is a general pet store and theres not always going to be as much knowledge about specific fish but considering they have the same stuff in every week it cant be that hard to train staff up to offer advice on them. Id love to work there on there aquatics department to be honest even if it was just to stop the amount of dead fish i see in there. Fish tanks are like a shop window when your selling fish, if it looks rubbish people arent going to buy. Or they do then realise there mistake after a few days. Also what is it with selling common plecs?? I could be wrong but your average buyer in pets at home probably isnt going to have a tank big enough for a fully grown one, why cant they source something in a little smaller like bristlenoses. They would make much more sence to sell wouldnt they? and i cant see the cost being much different.

Rant over, sorry but they reallyget my blood boiling

I'm really glad you stated your opinion as I have asked them to look at this link. They can see then how many terrible cases there are in their stores... They honestly employ people that have no idea.. or no intrest in animals. What is the point in that. Don't get me started now! lol

no harmintrying

I agree! I will kick up a fuss..
You never know the more people that complain the more they might do to get there fingers out there backsides and sort it out. Probably not, but we can hope cant we. People dont complain enough to the companys themselves, then when a select few do they just brush it aside as not really being a problem as its only a few that can be bothered to complain
well done Lorraine, if only there was more people like you.

there must be quite a lot of uk traffic on this forum and if this thread only stops a handfull of people giving their business to pets@home then thats a bit of success in its self which changes something
The only time I ever bought from Pets @ Home was 2 Neon Dwarf Gouramis, 5 Black Phantom Tetras and 5 Silvertip Tetras.
At the time of purchase the Gourami tank was perfectly healthy looking to be fair to them.
However after a couple of days the Gouramis developed white spot and even with treatment died eventually.
I went back in afterwards and the Gourami tank was absolutely riddled with the stuff. Shame it doesn't have symptons straight away.
The Black Phantoms and Silvertips I have only lost two of though (Now with my Brother) so they did quite well.
My store in Exeter generally isn't that bad on cleanliness, they had a big Not For Sale sign on the infected Gourami tank after mine died and apart from that I've only ever seen one or two unhealthy fish and with the record fish have that is to be expected.
The main problem with Pets @ Home though is that either the fish attendent doesn't even know what a Barb is or they think that they are the Messiah of fish keeping and preach about how you can't keep certain fish together when they house Male Bettas with Neon Tetras.

But yeah generally Pets @ Home are c**p. I always buy from Bow Aquatics that runs out of Bernaville Nurseries in a place called Cowley, it's a longer drive but the standard of service, price and variety of fish is worth the extra petrol. My rule of thumb though is to only buy form specialist fish stockists. :good:
You never know the more people that complain the more they might do to get there fingers out there backsides and sort it out. Probably not, but we can hope cant we. People dont complain enough to the companys themselves, then when a select few do they just brush it aside as not really being a problem as its only a few that can be bothered to complain

Well its animal cruelty but besides that.. If you buy a diseased fish there and it will affect your fish... Since buying off them, I've had endless problems with my fish. Its not on... If you supply - supply animals than can last for longer than a week... Every fish i've bought from them in the past 3 wks have ended up in a treatment tank... One survived.

well done Lorraine, if only there was more people like you.

there must be quite a lot of uk traffic on this forum and if this thread only stops a handfull of people giving their business to pets@home then thats a bit of success in its self which changes something

I agree - thank you for your support :*

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