Funny Lfs Stories!?!?

it annoys me when people buys tanks elsewhere and are told to leave the tank running with no fish for at least a month! then come in to get the water tested, and you have to explain why it is pointless testing the water and they've sat there watching a tank of water for no reason

I tell you something, this is what my LFS said to me the other day. If I was not a member of this forum I would not have started cycling. I think LPS/LFS seem to only want money. You have to remember they are just a business not professional home users (Some are though).

I got told to fill the tank full of tap water, add Nutrifin aqua plus to sort out the tap water friendly for fish and then come back in a week with a water sample and hopefully they could sell me some fish to start it off. This sounds like they were going to hope for the fish cycle not the fishless one.

However if people are not notified about these things what do you expect a total new person to be like. If I never had have found this forum I would have fish in it by the weeks out.

it annoys me when people buys tanks elsewhere and are told to leave the tank running with no fish for at least a month! then come in to get the water tested, and you have to explain why it is pointless testing the water and about cycling, and they've sat there watching a tank of water for no reason

yeh thats another one, its like ermm so what am i testing for here! tbh most customers i see on a daily basis get confused on even the basics of fishkeeping to talk them through the fishless cycle sometimes wastes alot of my time and they dont bother anyway, amount of people who ignore full sizes as well someone had 93 fish in a rio 180 when they all grow there royally screwed.

thing i usuully say is either get some mature media or add food every few days for a few weeks, seems to be okay, wether people follow it or not is anyones guess!
Lol, I went to P@H the other day to purchase some new fish.
I dont mean to be rude but the guy doing the fish was a proppa G.E.E.K, and a marginally attractive lady came in and he was going all red and she obviously had no clue about fish and she was saying things like I want one of those sucky ones (Pleco) and just started choosing random angel fish must of got about 5 or 6 and some neons and then some guppy.

The Guy then started to ask her about how big her tank was and she said oh I cant remember but its quite big, and he was no embarrased and entised by the girl that 1) he forgot to fill out a survey form (Which I had to do after) and 2) He didnt tell her how big the pleco would grow or that Neons and Angelfish were a no go.

Well i thought it was amusing and Dumb, bet shes got like a 30 litre :p...
There is a girl at my LFS and she knows NOTHING. I asked for a very pregnant female platy.

Me: Can I get the platy?
Her: What is that?
Me: Umm... the fish in the tank...
Her: Can you show me which one it is? (it was in a tank with neon tetras)
Me: *shows*
Her: Ohh, okay. Wow, it's fat.
Me: I'm pretty sure it's pregnant.
Her: How can you tell it's a girl?
Me: It's fin.
Her: The top fin?

OMG I WANTED TO SMACK HER! I applied for a job the same time she did and she got it over me! I was not happy. D:<
Chibi, how big were her..... never mind.
yes it is very annoying for us, as we are generally really stressed out, and it always sounds like you are being smarmy & having a go at us for poor tank conditions.
I was in Maidenhead Aquatics a while back, on a Saturday (super-busy) and there was this complete-chav woman with he teenage chav children trying to buy a marine fish (couldn't see what fish, but that's irrelevant). Anyway, when they asked her about her tank it transpired that she had a small freshwater tank with common goldfish. So they member of staff explained to her that she couldn't keep that this in that tank because it was marine and her tank was freshwater, but this woman wouldn't accept that. My god, she was shouting and swearing and demanding that she was sold the fish, shouting stuff like "are you f***ing stupid, its a fish, it has water, it lives" then saying she would add some salt. She was told that the goldfish would die if the tank was saltwater, which triggered more screaming "are you f***ing thick or what? you just told me fish need salt!" The teenage boys wer joining in too "sell my mum the f***ing fish!"
It was quite shicking. Everyone had stopped looking at the fish and was looking at her. Felt very sorry for the staff member (though other staff did come over).
I was in Maidenhead Aquatics a while back, on a Saturday (super-busy) and there was this complete-chav woman with he teenage chav children trying to buy a marine fish (couldn't see what fish, but that's irrelevant). Anyway, when they asked her about her tank it transpired that she had a small freshwater tank with common goldfish. So they member of staff explained to her that she couldn't keep that this in that tank because it was marine and her tank was freshwater, but this woman wouldn't accept that. My god, she was shouting and swearing and demanding that she was sold the fish, shouting stuff like "are you f***ing stupid, its a fish, it has water, it lives" then saying she would add some salt. She was told that the goldfish would die if the tank was saltwater, which triggered more screaming "are you f***ing thick or what? you just told me fish need salt!" The teenage boys wer joining in too "sell my mum the f***ing fish!"
It was quite shicking. Everyone had stopped looking at the fish and was looking at her. Felt very sorry for the staff member (though other staff did come over).

Theres nothing I hate more than when people like that make a scene, there's absolutely no point and it just makes them look like complete idiots
I think LFS staff act the way they do because people just have no sence. If a member of staff tells you something you usually beleive them because they work there. It's like somebody working in a computer shop. If they beleive in something about computers they are going to tell you what you need to know.

I dunno, I think it depends how much knowledge you have to start with as a standard general public going to buy something.

My job is to fix pcs at a local college and I get all sorts of funny stories about this not working because of an error caused by the user and the user wants to blame the computer.

I suppose it's a viscious cycle really.
I was in Maidenhead Aquatics a while back, on a Saturday (super-busy) and there was this complete-chav woman with he teenage chav children trying to buy a marine fish (couldn't see what fish, but that's irrelevant). Anyway, when they asked her about her tank it transpired that she had a small freshwater tank with common goldfish. So they member of staff explained to her that she couldn't keep that this in that tank because it was marine and her tank was freshwater, but this woman wouldn't accept that. My god, she was shouting and swearing and demanding that she was sold the fish, shouting stuff like "are you f***ing stupid, its a fish, it has water, it lives" then saying she would add some salt. She was told that the goldfish would die if the tank was saltwater, which triggered more screaming "are you f***ing thick or what? you just told me fish need salt!" The teenage boys wer joining in too "sell my mum the f***ing fish!"
It was quite shicking. Everyone had stopped looking at the fish and was looking at her. Felt very sorry for the staff member (though other staff did come over).

Bailiff, whack her pee pee.
I went to the LFS yesterday and they had some rams there. They were just labeled "Rams" so I asked the kid working if they were German or Bolivian. He quickly replied to me, "Blue".
I went to the LFS yesterday and they had some rams there. They were just labeled "Rams" so I asked the kid working if they were German or Bolivian. He quickly replied to me, "Blue".

Blue rams are german rams, its another name for them if i am right...

I think the funniest/most annoying thing a LFS employee ever said to me was that the reason I had a bacterial infection in my tank was that I changed my water too often! According to their resident fish "expert" you should only change 10 - 15% of your water every 4-6 weeks. She also told me that 19 juvenile mbuna (under 1.5" at the time) was way overstocking my 5gal which also contributed to the infection. And I didn't even ask her for advice, all I wanted to know was if they had a larger pack of the medicine since I had to treat my entire tank. I haven't been back to that LFS since (Petco), I'd never bought fish there anyway since they almost always diseased/dead. I just stopped by there for medication since I was next door to my work.
My local pets at home have got some elephant noses in, they've had them for a while. When i first saw them i asked the employee what size tank would they would be best for them. She hesitated for a bit then went this big with her arms, (2ft), i did chuckle.
Lol today I went in my LFS, asked them if they had any bolivian rams. THe man was like me no no (he didnt speak much english) talk to mad mike. How random :crazy:
Just saw a chav family buying 10 musk turtles for a 10gal tank :(

whats worse........ they bought a burmese python and i overheard the boy talking about how he was going to keep it in his room with no viv. Looks like there's gunna be 10 dead turtles and a dead snakey within a few months :(:(

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