Funks Rio 125 Endeavour!

Been to busy playing with the tank to post :p

I managed to find a red lipped conch on sunday and he's doing very well indeed :) My Hydor slim skim arrived so thats now up and running too, spent most of last night messing with that.

I was naughty and added another cleaner shrimp last night as I'd read they were happier in pairs, when I left this morning both looked to be getting on and were more visible than when I just had the one so we'll see how it goes with them.

I'm going to leave it to the weekend and do a few more tests and a water change then I may go and get a pair of clowns at the weekend unless anyone else can make any good hardy fish suggestions?

So far I'm thinking pair of clowns to start unless there is a good alternative? Then I'll add a purple firefish and then I was torn between a lawn mower blenny and a goby?
I think two cleaners is a much a better idea mate! They are much more brave in pairs..

Clowns are prob the best starter fish - very forgiving!
If feels like an age since I posted!!

Well the conch is still providing much amusement....



I added a second cleaner shrimp on Wednesday night and they've both been way more active and sociable! One has moulted already so they're both looking happy.... a cheeky one has taken up residence under my hydor slim skim nano probably due to it being an easy food source for him!


The toad stool I inherited (after originally wanting a fish & LR only tank) seems to be doing well as its decided to start spawning a new shroom which is a nice surprise. One daft thing I didn't think to ask was should I be feeding the coral anything or will they be happy with what’s in the rock and left over food in the water?



I panicked as I started having an outbreak of brown algae, turned out this is the norm for the moment and is just part of the tank maturing :good: Noticed bubbles forming all of the algae today which I assume is okay? Still a little unsure although I purchased a phosphate test kit which has returned 0.1-0.2 as the result which I think is a good thing!




Now to the big news! I'm ashamed to say that I was won over by clowns, so after weeks of debating then stumbling across a damsel that was huge and ugly... clowns won :blush:

I added them yesterday and they look to have settled in nicely, they're a pain to photo though! Seriously quick. Both have had a couple of feeds and seem pretty content checking the tank out... the cleaners were seriously interested in them when I added them but they've since left them alone. As for names.... I had a long hard think about it and have decided not to name anything, it may sound daft but I can be a proper softy with stuff so figured leaving them nameless was the best idea..... not to say they won't end up with nick names later down the line!




I'm going to leave adding anything for at least 2-3 weeks now and let the clowns settle in, hopefully they'll continue to do fine. I'm thinking of adding in a pink or purple decorated dartfish next. I've been liking the look of the banggai cardinal fish and mandarin but haven't checked out details so need to do some research fist.

So this is how it looks at the moment!

Mandarins need a very mature tank and a high pod population as they can be fussy and not eat flake and frozen foods. Looks nice though :good:
Mandarins need a very mature tank and a high pod population as they can be fussy and not eat flake and frozen foods. Looks nice though :good:

Will leave it in that case then! I'm wanting to take it easy, any suggestions are most welcome :)

Come home to find that the power head shift around I did yesterday seems to have gotten rid of the bubbles I described yesterday. I'm going to have to keep shifting them around to get enough flow. The tank is sadly looking very brown indeed at the moment :sad: I really hope it'll pass.

I'm planning on doing a 10L water change tomorrow having already done a 15L on saturday morning I don't know how long to keep that up though. 25L a week seems a fair amount? Can there be too much of a good thing though?
Willing to try anything to get rid of this algae bloom! Just done another set of checks, levels are the usual and phosphates are good so I'm pretty sure I'm just going to have to wait for it to clear up and carry on doing the weekly change.
Gutted :sad: just come home to find out of my cleaner shrimp dead :sad:

The clowns appear fine I've just given them a flake to see if they're feeding, that said one is hanging around in the back corner a bit more than usual. The other shrimp is grabbing loads of food too, the conch is out feeding. The other snails are looking fine even the one thats kept to himself and not moved much :(

Just running off some tests now, levels were fine yesterday though.

Edit -

Tests aren't looking problematic...

SG - 1.025
pH - 8
Nitrate - 2.5-5
Nitrite - 0
Ammonia - 0
Phosphate - 0.1-0.2

Most reactions
