

Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
I bought a new Oranda that had been fine for two weeks up until a few days ago. I noticed my Calico Fantail "kissing" her, at first it appeared that he was nudging her with his nose...but upon further watching I think he might have been sucking on her scales. I placed her in a breeder box to monitor her when I noticed her lingering alone in the back of the tank behind the filter intake.

Her belly had a distinct square shape to it and had turned white. Here is a picture of her...(it, whatever :eek: )

Does it look like fungus? I put some Melafix, even though it didn't seem bacterial. She is still eating and swimming around normally.


Thanks for any help! Between six tanks I've never had to really deal with sick fish so I'm left kind of clueless on this one :(
Can you issolate her as I would use antibiotics.
I have a 10g I can put her in. What kind of meds?

(Forgive me if I asked that question before I read the link...I'm on my way to the site now)
Tetracycline is the best antibiotic if you can't get that maracyn 2, good luck.

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