Fully Cycled Tank, Finally


Fish Fanatic
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Nottingham, East Midlands
After my girlfriend wanting a tropical fish aquarium for so long apparently, I decided to buy her one which she's now had for almost one year now and all the fish are fine in there(record 96L). I've always liked animals and all that, and when I was organising her tank I decided that I really liked tropical fish too, but never thought about the interest before. I like to think of this as more of a hobby than pets :)

My tank is around 3 feet and a half, which I have cus this dude was giving away a pleco(common giant one), but he had totally neglected the animal cus the only thing that worked in the tank was the heater, but he clearly didn't use it. I gave the pleco to my gf she housed him for awhile but we finally gave him to our lfc a dude there took him home :) now he's happy(surprised he survived so long to be honest!).

Firstly I bought myself a new fluval plus 4 filter, bags of standard gravel, a large piece of bogwood and some plants. The light came later on cus I didn't know if the hood for my tank worked but I got a new light from my lfc and he tested it all for me and it works perfectly.
I added STABILITY(seachem) to get my tank ready to introduce new fish, however I don't know if this actually worked cus I did add a kribensis which was fine in the for around 4-5 days she loved all the space in there, but then I added two cockatoo cichlids which were immediately attacked :( male died from stress of the krib and the female survived in there. I decided to take the kribensis back to my fish store and bought a male cockatoo who loved being alone with the female and looked like they'd mate maybe. However the two died, which I felt was from not fully cycled water, but I only did this because the STABILITY(seachem) advised this and advised I could add as many fish as I liked after adding this solution. After my first initial experience with the lost fishes I decided to wait and get my water tested every week and now I'm on my 5th-6th week and the tank is now fully cycled and has zero ammonia and nitrites! I found a snail in there before I added my first fishes in the cycled tank, which maybe helped the cycle? I bought plants about a week ago and found the snail in there possibly from them plants I bought haha. I added two keyhole cichlids and an albino pleco(not a common one) The keyholes love it in there and are thriving compared to the way my other fish were acting at the beginning of the uncycled tank, the pleco is also sucking everything.
I'm just trying to say that cycling the tank is more important than adding chemicals I'd say, just be patient with the tank :)
thank you for reading this essay haha

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