
Depends on the size of the fry, but usually baby brine shrimp, Artemia and Daphnia are good
what sort of fry?

livebearers and cichlids can take newly hatched brineshrimp as soon as they are swimming.

tetras, barbs, danios, rainbowfish, etc need green water, infusoria or rotifers for the first few weeks before going onto newly hatched brineshrimp.

there is more info on culturing live foods at the following link.
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no matter how well you grind up flakes, they will still be far too big for fry of any kind,

for the best health and growth its best to hatch live brine shrimp for ANY fry,

live brine shrimp is a must for egg laying fish fry....its the only thing they will touch from my experience,

for live bearers i have had pretty good success using Hikari First Bites.....however live is always better
Fry need small food, preferbaly live as many egg laying fish fry will only eat moving food. I use micro worms, infusoria, and baby brine shrimp.

What species of fish are you trying to feed and how old are they?

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