Hi I’ve got a query, I have been successful in saving fry recently due to me buying a breeder box. anyway way I have 3 batches of guppy fry ,
1st batch (9 only)-6 weeks old (now 3 i guess)
2nd batch (11) 2-3weeks old.
3rd batch (30 odd) 7-10 days old.
1 & 2 batch are in a net breeder, while 3 batch are in the plastic breeder.
I have not lost a single fry since they where born except if the mother/other fishes
eat any during birth.(1st batch was a rescue job)
a few days ago 1 of the 1st batch fry died
the day after another one was dead ( 1 st batch) . 2 days went by no loss.
today I now find 5 (1st batch) fry dead.
When I find them dead , its always in the morning , lying at the bottom of the tank.
I just don't understand it , all of them where ok, non of the 3rd batch fry have died, even though some where born pre-mature, with-in a day they where all swimming at the top.
So why is this happening to the 1st batch even though they are older bigger, and fast swimmers. their cage is a net one, so more water , oxygen etc. than say the plastic box. (just for arguments sake). 1 thing though , a week a ago I moved them into a new net breeder. same size and all but just cleaner than the one they where in ...
Its getting a bit hot in the UK , temp even with the heater switched off it is still around 81 deg.
This is very weird , if I was to lose any then it should of been the 3rd b. fry, or the 2nd , after all the 1st batch have been around long enough than the 2nds or 3rd..
GH=10 (a bit high I know)
1st batch (9 only)-6 weeks old (now 3 i guess)
2nd batch (11) 2-3weeks old.
3rd batch (30 odd) 7-10 days old.
1 & 2 batch are in a net breeder, while 3 batch are in the plastic breeder.
I have not lost a single fry since they where born except if the mother/other fishes
eat any during birth.(1st batch was a rescue job)
a few days ago 1 of the 1st batch fry died
the day after another one was dead ( 1 st batch) . 2 days went by no loss.
today I now find 5 (1st batch) fry dead.
When I find them dead , its always in the morning , lying at the bottom of the tank.
I just don't understand it , all of them where ok, non of the 3rd batch fry have died, even though some where born pre-mature, with-in a day they where all swimming at the top.
So why is this happening to the 1st batch even though they are older bigger, and fast swimmers. their cage is a net one, so more water , oxygen etc. than say the plastic box. (just for arguments sake). 1 thing though , a week a ago I moved them into a new net breeder. same size and all but just cleaner than the one they where in ...
Its getting a bit hot in the UK , temp even with the heater switched off it is still around 81 deg.
This is very weird , if I was to lose any then it should of been the 3rd b. fry, or the 2nd , after all the 1st batch have been around long enough than the 2nds or 3rd..
GH=10 (a bit high I know)