Yeah, the double tails are so cute. The baby in the seventh picture is my favorite DT. Mainly because it's copper. Also it's not got anything wrong with it's tail.
I am so excited to see what they finally turn out to look like.
Synirr, that is exactly what I thought when I saw your babies' 7 week pictures. They all are so adorable.
VERY nice! Love watching bettas grow up. Hopefully I'll be able to successfully spawn them sometime soon. Never had luck in the ~dozen times I've tried. I'm doing everything I can to do it more by the book now rather than winging it like I originally tried almost a year ago
I've definitely decided its more efficient just to do everything the recommended route!
Poor guppies I often put platy fry in with my little ones to help them to eat non-live foods and I often wonder if they notice that they are different from the bettas
ezrock: Thanks. I love watching the babies grow too. It is so fascinating. I'm sure one day you'll have a successful spawn.
Joby: They are gorgeous aren't they, as are Synirr's. *sniff* I'm so proud. *sniff*. Yeah, the poor guppies, I really don't know if they notice that they're different you would think that they would.