Frost X Mystic Fire

Wow, that's GREAT Sandy!!! Look at all the little tails!!! :hyper:
I just got eggs last night, so if all goes well on my end of things our little cousins will be growing up together :wub:
Make me think we should have a picture of the month contest in this forum :D
Not a bad idea. :)

Wow, that's GREAT Sandy!!! Look at all the little tails!!! :hyper:
I just got eggs last night, so if all goes well on my end of things our little cousins will be growing up together :wub:
Thanks. Congrats on your spawn. I hope everything goes well for you. I can't wait to see what all the little cousins look like. I'm sure they'll all be so cute. :wub:
Well, I removed the male this morning. The fry are starting free-swimming yesterday evening/this morning. I believe there are around 30 fry, there may be more than that since some are hiding in the plants. I had originally removed the male because my mom thought he was eating the fry, which he was really getting them in his mouth and just holding them there, I know this because after I removed him and gave him a little something to eat he spit them out. :p
I started a bbs culture today, so in a couple days I'll start feeding them that.
Got any good pictures?
I need to know as much as I need for my two spawns. Yes two.
Thanks splashstuff. There are a lot of tails in the nest, but I don't believe there are 200. I wish, but I don't believe so. :p
Thanks nino. Yeah, the daddy is beautiful however he can't decide what he wants to look like. He went from red with green iridescence, to black and white marble, then white and now is going marble again. :huh: :unsure: :S
Well, I'll have to see if one of my males will build a bubble nest, I don't have any building a nest currently. As for the fry I'll try to get a couple pictures this evening.
Thanks nino. Yeah, the daddy is beautiful however he can't decide what he wants to look like. He went from red with green iridescence, to black and white marble, then white and now is going marble again. :huh: :unsure: :S

Whoa, that's a lot of color changes. Frost is from synirr right? My boy is still red with irridescence and I think he is very pretty but your fish.... :drool:
It sure is a lot of color changes. He's having an identy crisis. :blink: Yeah, he's one from Synirr. I hope there will be a couple fry like him. :hyper:

Here are a couple pictures of the fry. *mumbles* I hate the camera *mumbles*.
Well, there were two dead fry on the bottom of the tank this morning, but the rest of them are doing well and look good. I plan to clean up the bottom of the tank some more this evening.
Your fry pictures are great and they look gorgeous :wub:

Can't believe I missed your spawn log :*)

Good luck with them :D

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