Fish Crazy
Thanks Joby.
They sure are cute.
Well, I've had a total of three fry die in the last two days. But the rest of the fry look great. I think I might remove some of the java moss and start up another breeding tank.
I counted about 36 fry the other day, but I'm sure there's more than that.
And would you believe it Frost, hardly a week since he was removed from the breeding tank, has built a gorgeous bubblenest.
I told him he's going to have to wait a while until he can go in a breeding tank again. 
Well, I've had a total of three fry die in the last two days. But the rest of the fry look great. I think I might remove some of the java moss and start up another breeding tank.

And would you believe it Frost, hardly a week since he was removed from the breeding tank, has built a gorgeous bubblenest.