Frost X Mystic Fire

Thanks Joby. :D They sure are cute.

Well, I've had a total of three fry die in the last two days. But the rest of the fry look great. I think I might remove some of the java moss and start up another breeding tank. :D I counted about 36 fry the other day, but I'm sure there's more than that. :huh:
And would you believe it Frost, hardly a week since he was removed from the breeding tank, has built a gorgeous bubblenest. :lol: I told him he's going to have to wait a while until he can go in a breeding tank again. ;)
Well, I believe we have at least one DT. :hyper: I saw a double tail this evening when I went to take a look at the fry tank and feed everyone. I'm so happy. :D I just hope it and all the other babies live. :look:
:fish: Woohoo! *Does the DT dance*
It is just too cute. I love trying to find it amongst all the other fry, sometimes that can be hard though. :S I would try to take a picture of it, but I don't think the camera would be nice and show the little one as well as I would like it to. I will be getting pictures of all the fry Saturday for their 2 week pics. Synirr, I hope you'll have some little DTs too. :nod:
Oh I'm sure I will... statistically we should both have 25% DTs, and out of about 100 fry I don't think I can help but get a couple! :lol:
That's true.
What will be really cool, is seeing the different types/colors we both get, and being able to start other lines. :D I've never really been one to like DTs, however if I get a couple males and females from this spawn I will certainly be breeding a pair of DTs. :hey:
I was looking through the tank again this morning and I can make out a couple more DTs. The first one that I had seen, it's tail is more pronounced, also it is one of the lighter babies. :hyper: I took out some of the Java Moss and some of the other plants out of the tank, so now I just have a clump of Java Moss in there.
Well, I moved the fry over to a 20gal long maybe a week and a half ago. And as y'all know there are approx. 135 babies. They are doing well. The biggest are around three-eighths of an inch long and the smallest being around a quarter of an inch. The bigger fry are developing/have developed ventrals. Most of them have a green iridescence, several have a different color which I believe may be a copper, but we'll see. they are growing nicely and eating well. I do a water change of 50% almost every evening. I will probably start a regular filter in the tank sometime this week for a couple hours each day then when they are six weeks old I'll leave it on. I have noticed them being a little aggressive towards each other, I actually saw two that were acting like a couple adult males fighting, it was actually quite cute. I'm sure it's not because they are not being fed enough. They get fed four times a day. BBS because I can't get a hold of other live foods.
Here's a couple pictures.
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awww,they look great, you're doing such a good job!! :wub:
I love it when they play fight like that, such punks ^_^
:wub: those are some adorable babies! Awesome pics, Sandy. They're definitely coloring up, and they look really well developed. You've obviously done an awesome job raising them!

I totally know how you feel, watching them grow up is so exciting! It's like slowly opening 100 little Christmas presents ^_^
Thanks splashluff. They sure are coloring up. I was really surprised last night when I was looking them over and there are about five fry that are getting red on their caudal and dorsal fins. They are so cute. :wub:
Yeah, that's exactly what it's like, opening a bunch of tiny presents very slowly. :nod:
Well, my babies are 7 1/2 weeks old and I thought I'd update with pictures.
They all are doing well. I have lost at least two babies from unknown causes. :crazy: Several of the DTs have a crook in their spines, which was to be expected. There are several coppers. One of the coppers is beautiful, but never shows up when I have the camera around. :S But I have pictures of several of the babies.
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And a couple more pics. :D
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