Fish Crazy
Ok, so I'd been conditioning two of my babies from Synirr, for a couple weeks and I fixed up a 10gal tank half full of water with Java moss, a moss ball, and a couple other plants which I don't know the common name to, a corner filter, and a Styrofoam cup cut in half. I let the female go several times Thursday afternoon and they did not spawn so I put her back in the lantern, (a Gatorade bottle with the bottom cut off) then Thursday evening I let her out and left her out all night, something which I have never done before when breeding my betta, and the next morning I woke to them spawning. They had apparently just started and went on for about three hours. I could not tell how many eggs there were because Frost likes to build tall nests instead of nice flat nests that cover a lot of ground.
Anyhow the eggs hatch sometime during the night last night, one had already hatched when I went to bed, and I had a bunch of little tails this morning. I will attach pictures. I can't wait to see what I get from this spawn.
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