From Tank To Pond


New Member
Dec 29, 2005
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York, England
Hi, I have a shubunkin 2 golden rudds in a smallish tank, i also have a sucking loach in it, the rudds and the shubunkin are outgrowing the tank. My friend has a pond capable of holding them.

Would they be OK in a pond, and when can i put them in, if i can?

Also, what should i do with the sucking loach?

Thanks Willbo
They would be fine in a pond how big is it btw and i would move then in spring when it gets warmer.

As for the loach i dont know anything about them sorry
The fish will be fine in a pond, but you cant put them in there till spring when the tempurature warms up, it much to cold out right now :X

It depends what the sucking loach is, a chinese algae eater?
I think it is a chinese algae eater, i've just been told that it will be able to go into my tropical tank.

Thanks though for all your help and advice

Yea it will go in you tropical, but be aware if you have any slow fish in there as when these guys get bigger they will become hungry and agressive and will suck off slime coat and scales, and they grow to 25cm :S
We put ours into the pond when they outgrew the tank and they were fine. We transferred them at the start of the summer hoping that the change in water temperature wouldn't be too drastic. Good luck if you decide to give it a go.

My Webpage
We put ours into the pond when they outgrew the tank and they were fine. We transferred them at the start of the summer hoping that the change in water temperature wouldn't be too drastic. Good luck if you decide to give it a go.

My Webpage
hi were do you live

if its a chines loach i do not think it would survive our wintersun less it is a deep pond
where did you buy the 2 golden rudd ive been looking for them everywhere and how much did you pay for them :D
guppy_man said:
Hi guppy man, I just bought them from my local Pets at Home in York. They were only £1.99 each but they haven't had any in for ages.

The picture of the golden rudds is not from my tank, but from the internet, these look almost identical to mine

Hope this helps


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