From A Trigon 350 To A Rio 300

The new fish :)
Ebjd.Been watching these for a couple of months now to make sure they are growing and eating well.

Male Nicaraguan with my Sal.


Alestes longipinnis,a group of 6,great schooling tetra.
The new fish
Ebjd.Been watching these for a couple of months now to make sure they are growing and eating well.

Male Nicaraguan with my Sal.


Alestes longipinnis,a group of 6,great schooling tetra.
very nice. where are you sourcing these fish from!!!
The most recent fish are from the local maidenhead, they have the best quality fish in the local area, but some fish are from ferrybridge and some from other random shops.
The most recent fish are from the local maidenhead, they have the best quality fish in the local area, but some fish are from ferrybridge and some from other random shops.
the nearest big shop to me is an hour away which is swallow but just had a maidenhead open within 30 mins drive. so im super excited to see what they have there in the new year :)
It should be good.I have been in 3 different ones so far and for a chain store they are fantastic,often have some rareish fish and always seem good health.I used to think they was expensive and they can be on a few things but generally the price warrants the quality of fish. My closest Mh recently sold a pair of mating motoro rays that have had a pup for £100 each, I wish I had the space.
It should be good.I have been in 3 different ones so far and for a chain store they are fantastic,often have some rareish fish and always seem good health.I used to think they was expensive and they can be on a few things but generally the price warrants the quality of fish. My closest Mh recently sold a pair of mating motoro rays that have had a pup for £100 each, I wish I had the space.
they sold a pair for 100? my lfs sells them at 120 for one!
I am finally getting my stocking sorted, just a few more fish to shuffle around then i will be a happy man.

A couple of pictures of some new residents


A pair of rainbow cichlids.

Unfortunately the male Nicaraguan did not make it, after the Salvini went he was the most bolshy fish and seemed to rule the Roost but woke up one morning and my EBJD juvi was really giving him a hard time. I separated and didn't really him in the hospital tank but he did not live through the night. Typical Nic behaviour i think not being able to back up his aggressive front .
I have had a bit of spare time on my hands lately and with me not being all that happy with the tank, i decided to rescape it. The reson i was not happy was because i felt it looked unatural and also there was too much going on so i wanted to make it look more simple and natural and also give the space more swimming room.

I have uploaded a few pictures, the fish have been a little stressed because i rescpaed with them still in the tank so they have lost a bit of colour and the water is a little cloudy but anyways give me your input and tell me what you think.

Untitled by liam_2368, on Flickr

Untitled by liam_2368, on Flickr

Untitled by liam_2368, on Flickr

Untitled by liam_2368, on Flickr

Untitled by liam_2368, on Flickr
Thanks, my camera phone is not good enough really and my good camera has broken and having a hard time keeping up with the severum uprooting the plants, he seems in a right move after the rescape.

Well my stocking is finally finished. I managed to find Geo Steindachneri locally so i now have a male in place of the female and also managed to pick up a very small pair of spirilum which I plan to move to a breader tank and will place a divider and may move my rainbow cichlids in there too or another small pair of cichlids but this will be after they get to sexual maturity and when I set it all up.

So my final stocking (just about is)
Gold sev
Very small male Geo Steindachneri
small pair of rainbow cichlids
vert small pair of Cryptoheros spirilum
8 Brycinus longipinnis
Ghost knife fish
Pair of brown hoplo catfish
3 clown loach 3-5 inch and 2 small 1-2 inch (these will inevitably have to go which I have always new and will be soon)
Small female ancistrus or brisstlenose pleco (may go because I just don't see it)
1 Peckoltia species pleco (not sure which one, it was sold to me as something else)
Nice!! Where did you find the male Stieney and the Spirilum?

Wills :)
Thanks Andy. I was going to take a trip to Ferrybridge today but decided to have a look locally and see if there was anything around, The stiny was from Wold road they had only literally been in an hour, so i was happy with that and the spilirums was from deep aquatics on Hessle road.

A guy called matt works at deep who used to work at ings who is very knowledgeableand a genuinely nice chap, there moving shops next week and he's said they will be stocking fish that are not seen locally. As for Wold road, it really seems a strange shop, I have been hearing a lot of things about it lately (mostly bad) and not sure if it is true or not but one thing I do know is they sold a araipama which was disappointing to hear.
An Araipama..... #63###

The Deep used to be a bit of an iffy shop for me - I think I know who you mean from Inggs be interesting to see what happens where are they moving too?

Just up the road opposite the Jacksons or Sainsburys should I say. Should get some decent stock in I hope. He has good prices and when I have ordered fish through him (Ellioti, sal, spilirum) they have always been good bread and colour. It's a bit like most shops in this area though can never seem to quite uphold the quality all the time throughout the year.

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