Friendliest Fish?

I think my Gold Severum is fairly 'friendly' toward me, although it is really just his way of getting the food dispenser(s) to work :lol:

I would say that Mo my aging Mogurnda gudgeon is friendliest, but he lacks the patience of the Severum (Not much going on in his head but EAT-EAT-EAT-EAT-EAT-EAT) and can't help but stare at me, then the surface, then me, then the surface, then the food, then me again etc until I stop torturing the poor fish and drop the food in the tank :p

I say that he is aging simply because he is losing his aim, he torpedoes at his food a couple times before he actually gets a hold of it, as compared to the precise lunges of my juvenile mogurndas, who are no better at hiding their eagerness for food as Mo is :lol:
My Platys always come and say hello as do my blue rams and Asbo, my Betta. Asbo is the friendliest I think - he follows me around - he also always looks like he's listening when I talk to him! He likes to "help" when I'm doing my tank maintenance!

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