Friendliest Fish?

My friendliest fish have to be my livebearers (guppys, platys, mollys) :) . In general cories in my experience are the most peaceful/friendly fish towards each other.
Martha, our Fahaka Puffer is, against all expectations, our most friendly fish, although I suspect that it's a least 98% cupboard love.

She sits in her tank and stares at us relentlessly until she she one of us get out of our chair, then she's up to the top of the tank begging to be fed.

A face against the glass will be greeted with a close-up cross eyed stare and she will even come to the surface when called by name.
The friendliest fish I have kept was a Jack Dempsy Cichlid, named (believe it or not) Jack. I suspect that he was more interested in food than me, but he seemed quite interested in anything going on in the room.
The bettas.... every last one of them :|
They only like me because I'm the food lady though.
Hmm, thats a hard one. My guppies are great; they come to the front of the tank any time I'm near, and will come to the top to be pet when the top opens.

My betta comes in close though. He used to come to the front of the tank all the time....until my sister tapped on the glass really hard and scared him really bad...
My Oscar by far, sticks her head out of the water when feeding, and never nips my finger! she sometimes brushes past my hand when im cleaning the tank too, put the jeepers up me the 1st time she did it tho, lol

Edit : My Red tail is starting to come up for feeding too, she hovers about 2" below water surface and waits for me to drop prawns in her mouth :good:

Both these reputed killers are very friendly in my tank, they don't bother other fish at all (the Oscar chases if something is in it's bed pit tho, lol) A lot of the acaras are intimidated by the frenzy of white and black whiskers flying around searching for prawns tho, lol
I used to have a goldfish pond in the back yard, and some of them would eat from my hand. But my DP Homer seems to be the most interested in me, whether I have food or not. When I vac the tank I have to move him out of the way so he won't get sucked up... not quite so bright, but oh so cute! My pair of blue rams are quite interested in what's going on too. They'll follow me around the room and, again, I have to scoot them away when I vac their tank, too.
my oscar is the friendliest fish i have ever had .he is great .. his name is henry dont laugh my 5 year old boy named him that ..
My Green Severum. Practically rips his face off on the glass trying to get to me every time I walk into the room. Maybe it's because I feed him, maybe it's because I rescued him, maybe it's because I play music far too loud right next to the tank, and he tries to turn it down himself, I don't know, but it's him :p
Most definitely my Angelfish, she/he always rushes to greet me and seems to 'talk' to me through the glass! I love her to bits :wub:
Martha, our Fahaka Puffer is, against all expectations, our most friendly fish, although I suspect that it's a least 98% cupboard love.

Haha Martha Fahaka..... Have you been watching 'meet the fockers' too many times?

My fish arent real friendly, but out of what i have, id say one of my angels. He/she follows my hand round the tank (only when i have food) i have my hand on the outside of the tank with food in it, and move it round the glass, the angel follows every where like its magnetic!

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