Friday Fun

this is a cute goes
Lorax- refers to a Dr Seuss book, my FAVORITE book, BTW "the Lorax". great read!
Chick- im a girl :)
and no it is not Lora x (ex) chick as has been thought (as if my name is lora and i got a sex change :blink: )
My Username is Tropical_Fish and I've got Tropical Fish - sort of self explanatory.

Looking back it's a very anonymous name - so I guess I must have been wanting anonymity.
I think you'd have guessed this anyway, but....I am the only person in the world that loves blind cave fish!

Geoff is my name

And as for the 1991... Well i was actually born in 1990 but on another site i made an account Geoff1990, then year or two later i went to join again as id forgotten my password and obviously it was taken but Geoff1991 was a suggestion so i just used that, and ive used it on most sites since -shrugs-

It's the first 3 letters of my surname and was my nick name at school, there were 3 Alex's so we had to differentiate. :rolleyes:

I am not from Croatia, as I seem to get asked a lot via pm on a lot of forums. :rolleyes:

Baller because someone else had already taken Cro on it's own and I am an ex avid paintballer.
Minx - apparently I can be one at times :whistle: Fishy, Ummmm obvious I think :p

Pisces too :)

Tropic - Because its shorter and sounds better than Tropical_John
John - My Name, So it was either tropical_john or tropic_john, and tropic sounds a bit exotic :p
Inchy - Old online nickname, after some weird character I made up 7 years ago. :blink:
Ally - Short for my first name, Allison.

Well let me see if I can explain. Ummm. I really love all tropical fish, yes all. And I am a Pisces too and I definitely have MTS. I mean, It started with a 1.5 gallon betta tank, then a ten gallon, then another ten gallon, then another ten gallon, then a 55 gallon - woo hoo I graduated - so I took down most of the ten gallons. Then a dive into the salty side with a 125 gallon, with a 29 gallon backup. Oh, and the ten gallons, they come and go. So do I have MTS? Oh yea and I do blame it on my birthday! Oh and I need to know the name of the condition where a perfectly healthy person who seems to be a good citizen goes up to the Discus fish and talks to them like they are people and makes fish faces. Is that a symptom of MTS?
Some brilliant ones out there.

Spishkey is short for SPonge fISH monKEY

dont ask...just dont ask...

Perfect. I dont know why but I kinda imagine you trying to lick your own elbows from that definition! :p ..either that or doing something COMPLETELY rude!

I'm a Mr and when I joined I was holding a spoon.

.Fantastic! ..For what reason were you holding a spoon? Was it for eating with- or do you just like spoons... ?

Im kinda glad there are others out there who simply used their names with a few extras. Its straightforward, shows a "no mess" attitude. Very Mr T if you catch my 80's TV reference.

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