Friday Fun

If you ever find out, my cover is blown and I'll have to shoot you.

Here's hoping it isn't necessary.


P.S. If the Stasi are watching/listening, don't bother looking for me. I'm good at getting out of tight situations and then disappearing.
Hahaha some of these have had me giggling like a mad lady.

Makes my name look so seriouse. :unsure:

I share a birthday!!!!!!!!

I like being a spring piggy

P.S Bought a 2ft today because i felt like it oh the shame there is no end to the MTS and it IS due to my birthday :p
Ha funny topic, well here goes:


. Forest- I am a pagan and feel close to the earth and in my home town there are alot of wooded areas including my entire back garden i feel exposed and naked when i am not around trees and grass and even woodland creatures hence i am drawn to forest and woodland areas (i could never live in the city it makes me nervouse)

. Pisces- Well being born on March 6th makes me a Pisces, which gives me my connection to fish and water ( i also think pisceans tend to be more suseptable to MTS :shifty: )

Ooooh i like analysing, makes me feel smart lol.

Hey....March 6th is my birthday too....and I have the same nature. Weird

Mine is because I'm confused as to what is happening with my fish and tank half the time. Pretty boring huh?
mine came from making a game name for call of duty, i was drinking a vodka + boost (cheap red bull) at the time and the name has stuck :D
Mr Jellyspoon :lol: :lol: :lol: ....would have been a wicked name!

Dive, as in diving....though I don't get to go much anymore :sad:
Girl, because I am one....or was :sad: Am 40 now, but have had the name ever since I've had the internet [a long time now!!!]

Anyway....dive woman doesn't have the same ring to it!!!!!

Lisa x
Mine is very simple, it's my name. d(dawn)t(tessa)hoffsett, well you can figure out the rest and now that you know my whole name you can steal my identity and take away all my make-believe money. :lol:

My username says that I am very good at coming up with creative names until I have to sign up for something. :rolleyes: Had I been very creative I could have been Ms Fork. :shifty:

I would also like to add that men holding spoons is unusual, IME they tend to just inhale. :blink:

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