Fish Fanatic
well prepare to feel worse like i do, angel is dead, another red platy is dead. one of the last red platy is hiding which they usually dont do so it might be next. everything else seems to be doing alright though.
yeah i didnt know what i was doing at first (obviously) and the angels could have been screwed up previously and finally just kicked the bucket, as i said this tank had never had a heater, and it didnt come with test kit so they basically just let it roll. took me forever to get the levels satisfactory, lots of water changes, had to have stressed them also. well i have learned ALOT in the past few weeks and SHOULD be able to do a better job from now on. plan to do another tank with proper prep this time, i got this 55 from a family that was moving and it had all these mature fish so i HAD to do it this way.
here is what i have:
big and little pleco (11" and 1.5")
2 big gold fish (3.5")
4 small albino cory cats (1")
2 red platies (1")
3 orange platies (1")
6 glow fish (.75")
8 neons (.5")
6 black fin tetras (1")
3 dwarf blue gourami (1.5")
3 yellow fantail guppies (1")
never did anything with the goldfish, now they are the only big fish i have other than the pleco. i always heard 1" per gallon of the tank and i did wind up over but hopefully not terribly. well the angels are gone so thats 7" of fish gone. i wouldnt mind having 2 more cory cats they are really cool.
if i do another tank soon, once cycled could i put some of these fish into that tank without shocking/stressing them?