Free Aquacube ?!

Just looked at this. Looks pretty cool!
Few questions though!

What fish can go in this? What would you recommend?

Also if I buy plants from my lfs can I put them straight in? Am a bit wary of plants, as we moved our shrimp out of the main tank due to white spot treatment, the store said put some plant in for him, so I got one, and an hr later he was led on his side very poorly! I quickly took him out and luckily he pulled through after a couple of rough days. Would this have been due to the plant being treated in something? I read somewhere they are anti snail treated.

Is it nescary to get a co2 thingy?
Just looked at this. Looks pretty cool!
Few questions though!

What fish can go in this? What would you recommend?

Also if I buy plants from my lfs can I put them straight in? Am a bit wary of plants, as we moved our shrimp out of the main tank due to white spot treatment, the store said put some plant in for him, so I got one, and an hr later he was led on his side very poorly! I quickly took him out and luckily he pulled through after a couple of rough days. Would this have been due to the plant being treated in something? I read somewhere they are anti snail treated.

Is it nescary to get a co2 thingy?

your probably best starting this in a new topic or asking the mods to move it. But any way..

What fish can go in this? What would you recommend?
I`m plaing on putting some apisto`s in (dwarf chiclids) and some shrimp, its only a small tank so not much room for any large fish in there.

or possibly some dwarf goramis, anything small would work well in there.

Also if I buy plants from my lfs can I put them straight in?
I generaly give them a good wash first as you said they are often treated in anti snail just (wich is normaly copper based and so very bad for most inverts....

Is it nescary to get a co2 thingy?

Its not nessisary you could also use something such as flourish excel co2 and high lighting ect is only if you want realy fast luch growth with plants that demand lots of neutrients. you can grw some of the less demanding plants quite easily with no co2 or extra lighst of ferts ect...

hope this helps
Heres the Latest Update from PFK,

I emailed at the weekend just to satisfy myself.

Dear subscriber,

You are on the list to receive one of our tanks. We usually aim to deliver within 28 days, but this is unfortunately not possible due to the high demand. We are doing everything we can to try and deliver all of these tanks by Christmas, but a few of them will be delivered during Janaury.
Just so people konw, my local maidenhead aquatics was selling the tank for £37.99 last week. Ok its not free but if you want to try it out at least its being sold.

They also do a slightly larger cube for 40 something quid.

Not had mine either..which is OK, I'm getting everything for it for Christmas anyway.

But still I'd like to have it here anyway, I'm getting abit anxious.... :look:
I haven't got mine yet either, i'm itching to set it up & put my Corydoras in it! I hope they arrive soon! :)
According to the mail from PFK i and others received its unlikely you will get it before Xmas.

It looks like the PFK nano tanks are about to be shipped !

I've just had an email regarding 'a delivery' of a tank by APC Eastkent Ltd on behalf of AQUADISTRI BV.

The delivery deadline time is set for 23-Nov-2006 17:30 !



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