Fred's 5.5 Gallon Cube Journal

:blush: Wow, thanks, that's great to hear. Im glad I got passed that algae attack.
This journal hasn't been updated for a while... Anymore pictures, Fred?

How is the tank?
This journal hasn't been updated for a while... Anymore pictures, Fred?

How is the tank?

Thanks for the interest Corin.
Ive kind of neglected the tank, havn't pruned. I purchased some Ludwigia Arcuata (wow, what a great plant) from AE and put it in the tank still in it's pot as I intended to go back and plant it properly later....I stil havn't.
Fish are fine, as are the snails and shrimp.
The tank is only runnning with 35W as I had to use the other 11W for another tank. The plants still grow well and are red in the tips, they just don't grow as fast. It also mean less maintenance ;)
Ive upgraded from a ladder diffuser to a glass ceramic diffuser. It's much better, Ive seen alot more pearling.
Lovely little tank.

I was skimming through the thread and saw mention of Maracyn to comabat BGA.

Sorry to drag this up, but if maracyn is an anti-bacterial (thus kills the BGA), won't it also kill the bacterial colonies in the filter!

Seems like a very expensive way to crash the tank! :blink:

Lovely little tank.

I was skimming through the thread and saw mention of Maracyn to comabat BGA.

Sorry to drag this up, but if maracyn is an anti-bacterial (thus kills the BGA), won't it also kill the bacterial colonies in the filter!

Seems like a very expensive way to crash the tank! :blink:


Hi Andy.
Thanks for the comment, really appreciate your input.
Apparently it is ok to use, which I find a little odd.
I would only use anti-biotics as a last resort.
As Im sure you would know, finding out why the BGA occured and sorting it out is better than chucking something in to kill it, only having it reappear later on.
Indeed - as per black-outs. I would like to know if the use of this medecine would have disaterous effects. I actually have some Maracyn in my fishie emergency kit and have thought to never use it because of these concerns....

Anyway, back on track, credit where it's due. Great little tank... you could do well selling them!
Ive used Maracyn and it didnt affect my bio filter, I think its to do with gram -ve and +ve bacteria, but Id never use it long term.

It does work thou, boy does it work!

Yay! Got the 11W light back from one of my other tanks. So 46W is running again. Time to get that Rotala Nanjenshan growing again. At the moment they are just dark stems that havn't grown at all since I last pruned them. Will they bounce back?
Havent been around for a while and would like to say your tank looks awsome! Nice to see how its progressed!
Fantastic to hear from you again Darren.
Thanks for the comment.
Ive got some work to do on it over the weekend, should then hopefully take some updated pictures.
Ive removed 2/3 of the hair grass and planted some HC in it's place (maybe not the best HC planting you've seen :blush: ) Bought some Excel today and so I shall be using that. Ive had thread algae due to CO2 swings. Reason being, it takes sooo long for pressure to build up in the two 2litre bottles to push through the ceramic diffuser. With the thread algae though, my shrimp have never looked so healthy! :D

Here's some pics :)





Looking very nice after the prune! Reminds me i really must sort out all my tanks!

Especially my nano puffer tank.

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