Fred's 5.5 Gallon Cube Journal

Muuuuuuuuuuuch better, love the colours. Yeh have to added more light? If you could get more shape from the Rotala it would look proper quality.

The tank looks brilliant, I love the Rotalas new 'look'. :good:
Cheers guys. Nope, havn't added more light. Just proper ferts etc. I'm glad you all think it looks better. I agree Sam, if I can just shape the rotala, it should look quite good. :)
A good prune to hatch two thirds of the height off would probably do the trick. You basically want the top 2/3" but lower down.

Quick update.
I regret to inform you all that I recently tore the scape up. It was a hassle and I got bored of it to be honest.
I'm contemplating on what to do with the tank now.
Any ideas?
Shame, have enjoyed following the changes you made to it throughout its life Fred. Got any of the Rotala your not using as im on the look out (he he).

Not sure if you what you can do with it. Depends if you want to start another tank i supose mate :)
Shame, have enjoyed following the changes you made to it throughout its life Fred. Got any of the Rotala your not using as im on the look out (he he).

Not sure if you what you can do with it. Depends if you want to start another tank i supose mate :)

Thanks Darren, atleast it's been useful.
I wish I had kept some Rotala for you! :sad: I kinda threw it away thinking "Starting from a clean slate".
Shame, have enjoyed following the changes you made to it throughout its life Fred. Got any of the Rotala your not using as im on the look out (he he).

Not sure if you what you can do with it. Depends if you want to start another tank i supose mate :)

Thanks Darren, atleast it's been useful.
I wish I had kept some Rotala for you! :sad: I kinda threw it away thinking "Starting from a clean slate".

Doh!! Was worth a try :blush:

Whatever you do with your tank il be sure to keep an eye on it. I quite fancy doing a water garden with no fish in it to try my hand as some demanding plants (although im currently trying glosso in one of my tanks which is har denough).

Of course you could then add fish at a later date :)
Cool. Look forward to that.
I think I'm going to wait until AE has some Midori Drift Wood back in stock and use some of that. Probably incorporate some moss, anubias, blyxa japonica and glosso. :)
Well, I stripped out all of the plants and transported the CPD's to their own separate 55litre tank, where I could try and breed them. Their tank is full of java moss and equiped with a sponge filter.
I left the 4 Amano shrimp in the cube and recently bought some plants from the LFS (at which I work) to brighten the tank up. No real layout, but I got obviously bored of having a bare tank. I'm still thinking about some fish to go in. Possibly Honey Gouramis. I also have ideas of a Echinodorus tenellus carpet as the foreground plant.
Here are some pics. Excuse the shrimp exoskeleton that was molted :blush:




Oh, there is still 46W of lighting, and I'm dosing 1ml of tropica nutrition+ every other day, and 2ml of Excel everyday.
There is pearling as you can see :hyper:

I'll soon be adding some Mini Landscape Rocks that I have left over and taking out everything else. The back of the tank will be lined with cyperus helferi and a carpeting plant. Not sure which. I'd like to add soem Jelly Bean Tetras too.

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